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4 results for "irregular meter" in 2 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Illegal (1955)Police Car0:00:54 - Police car speeds out of the station; cast listcast list | irregular meter | main title | police car | speeding
The Unfaithful (1947)Tanner0:23:46 - Mrs. Tanner boards a trolleyadvance plot | altered dominant | antagonist | fragmentation | irregular meter | newspaper | pc set | quartal chord | reading | street | tense | traveling | trolley | widow

The Unfaithful (1947)

Tanner1:10:47 - Men get out of the caraltered dominant | antagonist | arriving | foreshadowing | fragmentation | husband | irregular meter | pc set | quartal chord | street | tense | transition | walking

The Unfaithful (1947)

Tanner1:25:44 - Mrs. Tanner testifiesaltered dominant | climax | courtroom | dramatic | fragmentation | hurrying | irregular meter | montage | prosecuting | quartal chord | rushing | testifying | witness