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251 results for "run" in 34 films — see also action | be | break | broadcast | change | direct | dissolve | escape | flowing | ladder | lead | period | race | run | running | score | sequence | trial | work

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)The Motor (Butch)0:50:45 - Butch searches for the doctoranxious | chromatic scale | criminal | dramatic | gangster | mickey-mousing | motor | ostinato | pedal tone | robbery | running | searching | store | tense | thief

The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

Butch runs0:50:46 - Butch runs to the windowanxious | criminal | dramatic | gangster | mickey-mousing | robbery | running | searching | sequence | store | tense | thief

The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

Butch runs back0:50:52 - Butch runs back from the windowanxious | chromatic scale | criminal | dramatic | gangster | mickey-mousing | robbery | running | searching | store | tense | thief

The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

People running0:52:10 - Men run to the warehouseadded-note chord | crowd | exciting | mickey-mousing | robbery | running | street
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)The Chase0:04:21 - Cops chase boys through the train yardchase scene | chasing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | escaping | half-diminished 7th chord | mickey-mousing | police | polychord | running | street | teenager | whole-tone chord

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Running and shooting0:06:52 - Police chase gangsters and Rocky shootsagent | augmented triad | chasing | dissonant bass | dominant 7th chord | dramatic | establish character | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | montage | newspaper | quartal chord | running | shooting | street | zoom out

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Crowd rushing0:41:09 - Crowd rushes to the crime scenechromatic sequence | conflict | crowd | dissonant bass | hurrying | mickey-mousing | running | street | tense

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:16:29 - Rocky shoots Mac and Frazieragitated | attacking | casino | chaos | chasing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climbing | conflict | crowd | death | dissonant bass | dramatic | dying | escaping | falling | fighting | gangster | gun | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | jumping | landing | lawyer | leading man | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | police | rooftop | room | running | sequence | shooting | sneaking | sneaky | street | tone cluster | underscoring

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Running on wall1:17:55 - Rocky runs on wallagitated | chromatic scale | conflict | dramatic | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | mickey-mousing | rooftop | running | sequence

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:19:00 - Rocky is trapped in a building42 chord | agitated | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | major 7th chord | police | running | sequence | stairwell | tone cluster | underscoring

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Going down stairs1:19:05 - Rocky runs down the stairsagitated | chromatic scale | conflict | down | dramatic | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | stairs | stairwell

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Going up stairs1:19:27 - Rocky runs up the stairsagitated | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | gangster | leading man | major 7th chord | mickey-mousing | running | sequence | stairs | stairwell | up

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Tear Gas1:19:48 - Tear gas spreads throughout the roomagitated | breaking | breaking | breathing | building | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | gangster | gun | gunshot | hurrying | leading man | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | police | quartal chord | running | shooting | smoke | street | tear gas | throwing | window

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Rocky runs1:25:13 - Rocky makes a run for itagitated | chromatic scale | conflict | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | hostage | leading man | octatonic | priest | running | sequence | shooting | street | whole-tone chord
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Here Comes the Bride (Modulating)0:03:34 - Hiding in a telephone boothadded-note chord | arguing | bystander | conversing | deceptive resolution | establish character | familiar tune | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | marriage | office | pump-up modulation | running | rushed | rushing | self-borrowing | sequence

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

The Aunts (Allegretto)0:13:52 - The aunts run to the windowadvance plot | aunt | cheerful | harmonic sequence | leading lady | mode mixture | pedal tone | room | running

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Chasing0:16:31 - Elaine runs offbride | groom | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | light | love | love scene | running | secondary dominant | street

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Here Comes the Bride (Running)0:23:58 - Mortimer runs to the door9th chord | 13th chord | aunt | bride | child | chromatic scale | crazy person | dark | familiar tune | groom | Halloween | intervallic expansion | leading lady | leading man | murderer | room | running | rushing | source music | source to score | trick-or-treating | turning point

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:01:21 - They take Elaine into the cellar9th chord | aunt | bride | brother | chromatic scale | conflict | crazy person | darkness | diminished 7th chord | doctor | dramatic | fear | fighting | gagging | harmonic sequence | leading lady | leading man | metric dissonance | murderer | oscillation | room | running | self-borrowing | struggling | suspenseful | underscoring
Beyond the Forest (1949)Bicycle0:04:03 - A boy on a bicyclebicycle | bicycle effect | child | establish setting | excited | riding | running | street | voice-over

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Running0:14:40 - Rosa runs to the lodgeadvance plot | leading lady | mickey-mousing | mysterious | ominous | outside | running | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (She Runs)0:49:22 - Rosa runs to the phoneadvance plot | cafe | leading lady | optimistic | running | rushing | telephone

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Chicago (Agitato Molto Marcato)0:55:48 - Rosa runs through the streetsagitated | crazy person | crying | familiar tune | laughing | leading lady | mad scene | manic | popular tune | running | rushing | scaring | stranger | street | tense

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (On the Run)1:17:21 - Rosa approaches a busadvance plot | bus | disguise | doctor | leading lady | leading man | murderer | mysterious | office | patient | runaway | running away | sneaking | street | watching

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Hurrying (Fleeing)1:19:50 - Rosa leaps out of the caraction scene | canyon | car | cliff | fleeing | leading lady | leading man | murderer | runaway | running | rushed

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Leaping1:19:56 - Rosa leaps off of a cliffaction scene | canyon | jumping | leading lady | murderer | runaway | rushed

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Broadly)1:19:57 - Rosa rolls down a hillaction scene | canyon | dark | dramatic | falling | jumping | leading lady | leading man | murderer | runaway | tense
The Big Sleep (1946)Running0:20:06 - Carmen runs to Geiger's housechromatic parallelism | dissonant bass | femme fatale | investigation scene | mysterious | rain | running | street | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Action0:21:04 - Marlowe runs to the houseaction scene | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | chromatic wedge | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | hurrying | leading man | pc set | private eye | running | street | tense | underscoring

The Big Sleep (1946)

Running down0:21:13 - Feet running down the stairsaction scene | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | descending | dramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | running | street | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Heroic)0:21:28 - Marlowe enters the house9th chord | action scene | breaking in | heroic | inversion | leading man | private eye | running | street

The Big Sleep (1946)

Running out0:56:36 - Marlowe runs after the killerassassin | chase scene | chasing | chromatic scale | combination of themes | dramatic | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | private eye | room | running | stairs | stinger

The Big Sleep (1946)

Down the Stairs + The Chase + Marlowe (Action)0:56:39 - Marlowe chases the killerassassin | chase scene | chasing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | descending | dissonant bass | dramatic | gun | gunshot | heroic | layering | leading man | murderer | private eye | room | running | stairs | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:56:54 - Killer shoots at Marloweassassin | chase scene | chasing | chromatic scale | dramatic | leading man | murderer | pc set | private eye | running | shooting | street | tense | underscoring | whole-tone | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Action)0:57:01 - Marlowe runs to his car64 chord | assassin | augmented sixth chord | chase scene | chasing | common-tone diminished 7th | dramatic | fragmentation | heroic | leading man | murderer | private eye | running | sequential modulation | street | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:41:36 - Marlowe runs to his car9th chord | action scene | criminal | diminution | dramatic | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | love interest | outside | private eye | running | underscoring | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Running and jumping1:42:10 - Man runs awayaction scene | chromatic scale | criminal | fear | jumping | mickey-mousing | outside | running | tense
City for Conquest (1940)Peggy runs0:47:31 - Peggy runs down the stairsboxer | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | dancer | descending | leading lady | leading man | love scene | mickey-mousing | running | source and scoring overlap | street | tense
Crime School (1938)Underscoring (Tense)0:08:20 - The kids confront the junk shop ownerattacking | chromatic scale | conflict | death | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | fighting | gang | mickey-mousing | ominous | ostinato | running | shop | shopkeeper | stairs | stinger | teenager | tense | underscoring | up

Crime School (1938)

Running away0:09:32 - Kids run away from cops42 chord | chasing | chromatic scale | conflict | dramatic | fleeing | gang | mickey-mousing | police | running | street | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:28:01 - Frankie escapes from the warden's office9th chord | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | escape | escaping | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | mickey-mousing | ostinato | reformatory | running | teenager | tense | throwing | tone cluster | warden | whole-tone scale

Crime School (1938)

Escaping0:28:32 - Frankie runs and hideschromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | dissonant bass | dramatic | escape | escaping | hiding | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | running | sequence | sneaking | teenager | tense | tone cluster

Crime School (1938)

Searchlights (Sneaking)0:28:47 - Frankie hides from the searchlightchromatic parallelism | dramatic | escape | escaping | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | running | searchlight | sneaking | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:29:09 - Frankie hides then runsbarbed wire fence | battle call | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | escape | escaping | gang | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

The Warden (The Guards)0:29:34 - Warden's guards run to catch Frankie64 chord | anguished | barbed wire fence | battle call | capturing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dragging | dramatic | escape | falling | pc set | police | reformatory | running | sequence | teenager | tense | warden

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues (Explosion)0:56:04 - The boiler explodes13th chord | action scene | added-note chord | boiler room | collapsing | escaping | exploding | explosion | foreign key modulation | frantic | gang | mechanical | reformatory | running | sequence | teenager | tense | worker | yelling

Crime School (1938)

Kids running down0:56:17 - Kids run down stairsaction scene | chromatic parallelism | down | dramatic | mickey-mousing | polychord | quartal chord | reformatory | running | stairs | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Running around0:56:37 - Boys run out of the buildingaction scene | chromatic parallelism | gang | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | rushing | teenager | tense | worker
They Made Me a Criminal (1939)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:26:48 - Peggy rushes to help Johnnie64 chord | dramatic | establish character | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | ranch | running | rushing | underscoring

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Fugitive (Ending)1:30:23 - A train rushes awaydetective | foreign key modulation | leading man | mode mixture | optimistic | passionate | plagal cadence | resolution | resolution | running | teenager | train station | triumphant

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Running1:30:35 - Johnnie runs to Tommyleading man | mickey-mousing | optimistic | passionate | resolution | resolution | running | teenager | train station | triumphant
Death of a Scoundrel (1956)Running0:24:53 - Man runs after Clementi in the streetchasing | flashback | running

Death of a Scoundrel (1956)

The Chase (Sequence)0:24:57 - Man follows Clementi into an alleychasing | flashback | running
Deep Valley (1947)Joe0:01:29 - A dogcheerful | dog | establish character | friendly | leading lady | mother | opening | porch | room | running | upbeat | waking

Deep Valley (1947)

Woods0:08:25 - Libby leaves the housecheerful | dog | establish character | forest | leading lady | playing | running | upbeat

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Running)0:19:24 - Libby arrives at the farmconversing | leading lady | lovers meet | running | rushed | street | upbeat

Deep Valley (1947)

Running0:20:26 - Libby runs to Joeconvict | dog | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | running | street | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Libby (Stormy)0:29:58 - Libby pulls away from Jeff's graspadvance plot | boss | dark | leading lady | leading man | leaving | lightning | room | running | storm | thunder

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Allegretto Grazioso)0:39:06 - Libby in the woodsadvance plot | dog | forest | happy | leading lady | running | upbeat | walking

Deep Valley (1947)

Law1:07:34 - Lawmen pursue after Barryaction scene | chasing | convict | dramatic | escaping | fanfare | forest | fugitive | leading man | love interest | manhunt | police | running | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Running (Extended)1:29:26 - Libby runs to the barnadvance plot | barn | convict | father | fugitive | hesitating | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | running | tense | uneasy | yard

Deep Valley (1947)

Libby (Running)1:36:13 - Libby and Barry run out of the barnbarn | begging | climax | convict | father | frantic | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mother | pleading | running | rushing | tense | yard

Deep Valley (1947)

Libby (Stormy)1:36:26 - Cliff looks for Elliebarn | climax | convict | crying | dark | father | fugitive | hiding | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mother | running | rushing | sneaking | tense | yard

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Drunk)1:36:39 - Barry steals a cararguing | car | climax | convict | dark | fighting | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | running | rushing | street | tense | yelling

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Running)1:37:23 - Libby chases Barryarguing | car | chasing | climax | convict | crying | dramatic | driving | fleeing | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | running | street

Deep Valley (1947)

Molto Expressivo1:37:28 - Barry pushes Libby awayarguing | car | chasing | climax | convict | crying | dramatic | driving | falling | fleeing | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | running | street

Deep Valley (1947)

Fleeing1:38:08 - Barry makes a run for itchasing | climax | convict | dramatic | fleeing | forest | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | police | running | shooting | transcribed by ear

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Not in Score)1:38:32 - The posse chases after Barrychasing | climax | convict | dramatic | fleeing | forest | fugitive | leading man | love interest | police | running | shooting | tense | transcribed by ear

Deep Valley (1947)

Law1:38:44 - The posse chases after Barrychasing | climax | convict | dramatic | fleeing | forest | fugitive | injury | leading man | love interest | police | running | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Sneaking (Molto Rubato)1:40:51 - Libby runs to find Barrydeath scene | forest | leading lady | mysterious | resolution | running | tense
Dust Be My Destiny (1939)Dust Be My Destiny (Running Away)0:25:55 - Joe and Mabel run64 chord | barn | conflict | diminution | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | running | sequence

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Running0:26:05 - Joe and Mabel run9th chord | barn | conflict | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | octatonic | running

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Fateful Decision)0:26:17 - Joe and Mabel decide to run away togetherbarn | confused | deceptive resolution | fragmentation | hopeful | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | runaway | turning point

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Running away0:26:45 - Joe and Mabel run awaybarn | conflict | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | runaway | running

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Arriving0:26:52 - Joe and Mabel settle into their new situation9th chord | arriving | calm | dramatic | freedom | leading lady | leading man | runaway | settling down | street | traveling | traveling scene | truck

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (In Love)0:27:22 - Joe and Mabel talk9th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | common-tone diminished 7th | freedom | gentle | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | runaway | secondary dominant | street | walking

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Here Comes the Bride (Modulating)0:29:02 - Joe and Mabel run to the courthouseadded-note chord | deceptive resolution | excited | familiar tune | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | love scene | marriage | pump-up modulation | romance | romantic | running | sequence | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Running Up and Down)0:30:12 - Man runs up the courthouse steps64 chord | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | courthouse | down | frantic | leading lady | leading man | love scene | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | producer | running | stairs | street | up

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Fleeing0:34:56 - Joe and Mabel fleealley | chromatic scale | danger | down | escape | fearful | fleeing | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | police | runaway | running | street | suspenseful

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Agitato Risoluto0:35:11 - Joe and Mabel hide under the stairsagitated | alley | chromatic parallelism | concerned | danger | escape | hiding | leading lady | leading man | pedal tone | runaway | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Injustice)0:35:25 - Joe and Mabel talk in the alley9th chord | alley | chromatic parallelism | escape | fearful | leading lady | leading man | runaway | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Fear and Devotion)0:35:50 - Joe and Mabel decide to stick togetheralley | common-tone diminished 7th | devotion | dramatic | escape | fear | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | love | mode mixture | obsessive | runaway | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Travel Montage)0:36:28 - A speeding trainadded-note chord | foreign key modulation | frantic | hitch-hiking | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | map | montage | pc set | runaway | sign | train | train | train whistle | traveling | traveling scene | truck | walking

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Wandering)0:37:16 - Joe and Mabel walk down the roadcar | car horn | diminished 7th chord | leading lady | leading man | montage | oscillation | runaway | street | tired | traveling scene | walking

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Weary)0:37:38 - They rest by the side of the roadchromatic parallelism | conflict | leading lady | leading man | resting | runaway | street | tired

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:38:00 - Joe and Mabel argue9th chord | arguing | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | runaway | street | underscoring

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny0:38:38 - Joe and Mabel partcommon-tone diminished 7th | conflict | leading lady | leading man | leaving | runaway | somber | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Parting Ways)0:38:56 - Joe and Mabel partaltered dominant | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | dark | leading lady | leading man | leaving | mode mixture | pedal tone | runaway | somber | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Running)0:39:33 - Mabel runs across the streetconflict | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | runaway | running | somber | street | truck

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Regret)0:39:53 - Joe walks away sadlyconflict | dark | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | pedal tone | runaway | somber | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Reunited)0:40:03 - Joe runs to Mabel64 chord | altered dominant | foreign key modulation | joyful | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | pump-up modulation | resolution | runaway | running | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

The Poster0:40:39 - Joe and Mabel see a sign for the trainchromatic sequence | comedy | comical | laughing | leading lady | leading man | runaway | sign | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:46:42 - Mabel yells to Joechromatic scale | create suspense | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | dramatic | escaping | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | police | room | runaway | running | street | underscoring | yelling

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Joe runs and falls0:46:50 - Joe runs and fallschromatic scale | create suspense | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | dramatic | falling | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | police | runaway | running | stinger | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Hiding)0:47:35 - Nick talks with Joe42 chord | advance plot | anxious | diminished 7th chord | diner | fragmentation | friend | hiding | leading man | money | runaway | shopkeeper | suspense

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Underscoring (Tense)0:47:58 - Joe walks to the jail64 chord | friend | jail | jail break | leading man | runaway | shopkeeper | tense | underscoring | walking

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:10:32 - Joe runs after the caraugmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conflict | dramatic | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | newspaper editor | running | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Appassionatissimo)1:13:14 - Joe makes a run for itchromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climax | conflict | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | escaping | hospital | intervallic expansion | leading lady | leading man | runaway | sequence | tense
Each Dawn I Die (1939)Confusion0:05:43 - Frank sits confused in car after crashaccusing | car | car crash | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conflict | confused | crowd | dissonant bass | fire | glass | half-diminished 7th chord | hero | injury | leading man | reporter | running | street | yelling
The FBI Story (1959)Floyd runs 11:20:41 - Pretty Boy Floyd runs to take cover before shootingflashback | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | mobster | running

The FBI Story (1959)

Floyd runs 21:20:57 - Floyd runs from the FBI menflashback | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | mobster | running

The FBI Story (1959)

Escape1:56:43 - Chip, Mario, and George quickly pack up and rush outflashback | hurrying | running | rushing

The FBI Story (1959)

Escape (Descending)1:56:53 - The men run away from campflashback | hurrying | running | rushing

The FBI Story (1959)

Running downhill1:57:13 - Men run downhilldown | downhill | escaping | flashback | mickey-mousing | running

The FBI Story (1959)

Running uphill1:57:24 - Men run up the hillescaping | flashback | mickey-mousing | running | up | uphill

The FBI Story (1959)

The Bureau (Running)1:57:49 - Men rush across the bridgebridge | escaping | flashback | hurrying | running | rushing

The FBI Story (1959)

Escape (Descending)1:58:03 - Mario turns around on the bridge and goes backbridge | escaping | flashback | hurrying | running | rushing
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Amato (Agitato)0:14:48 - Mario runs to talk to Amatoantagonist | boss | conductor score | establish character | fearful | gangster | hurried | leading man | office | running | rushing

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Boy running0:36:50 - Georgie runs down the stairsadvance plot | child | conductor score | descending | hurried | mickey-mousing | running | street

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Running0:52:55 - Steve runsadvance plot | conductor score | detective | gangster | hurried | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | street | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace (Hammy's Escape)0:53:30 - Hammy tries to escapeaction scene | conductor score | detective | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | gangster | gun | gunshot | hurried | leading man | murderer | running | shooting | street | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve (Agitato)1:33:17 - Marcia looks for Steveaction scene | dock | dramatic | leading lady | running | searching | tense | wife

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Running1:34:27 - Amato runs to his boataction scene | agitated | boat | chasing | descending | detective | dock | dramatic | following | gangster | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | tense | wife

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Boat Chase1:34:33 - Amato tries to escape in a boataction scene | agitated | antagonist | boat | boss | chasing | detective | dock | dramatic | following | gangster | leading man | running | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Police running1:35:32 - The policemen runaction scene | agitated | descending | dock | dramatic | mickey-mousing | police | running | tense
Her Kind of Man (1946)The Escape1:03:50 - Steve tries to escapeaction scene | car | chasing | club | crowd | dramatic | driving | escaping | gambler | husband | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | sister | street | victim

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Speeding1:16:29 - Candy tries to run awayarriving | capturing | car | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | climax | criminal | double-cross | dramatic | gambler | henchman | leading man | murder | murderer | omnibus progression | police | reporter | revenge | running | street | tense
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Sneaking0:58:02 - Matt and Eve sneak awaychromatic scale | communist | create suspense | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | pc set | running | sneaking | spy | staircase | stairs | teacher | tense | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Running and hiding1:03:28 - Matt runs and takes covercommunist | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | shootout | shootout | spy | teacher | tense | train tracks | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Gunfight)1:03:34 - Train tracksaugmented triad | communist | dissonant bass | diving | dramatic | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | minor-major 7th chord | polychord | running | shooting | shootout | shootout | spy | syncopation | teacher | tense | train tracks | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Running1:03:57 - Communist runscommunist | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | shootout | shootout | spy | teacher | tense | train tracks | undercover agent | whole-tone chord
In This Our Life (1942)Stanley (She Runs)0:07:32 - Stanley runs insidearriving | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | diminution | establish character | hurried | leading lady | mickey-mousing | room | running | sequence | street

In This Our Life (1942)

Anger1:04:56 - Stanley gets angryangry | arguing | chromatic scale | conflict | leading lady | leaving | minor-major 7th chord | pc set | room | running | tense | uncle | upset | widow | yelling

In This Our Life (1942)

Car crash1:09:01 - Stanley hits two pedestriansaccident | car | car crash | crashing | crime scene | criminal | dramatic | driving | drunk | dying | falling | hit and run | leading lady | mickey-mousing | street | victim | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

In This Our Life (1942)

Turning around1:09:06 - Stanley turns aroundaccident | car | car crash | chromatic scale | crime scene | criminal | dramatic | drunk | glaring | hit and run | leading lady | mickey-mousing | pc set | stinger | street | turning

In This Our Life (1942)

Fast Driving1:09:12 - Stanley drives awayaccident | car | car | car crash | crime scene | criminal | driving | drunk | fleeing | hit and run | leading lady | mysterious | oscillation | tense | whole-tone scale

In This Our Life (1942)

Stanley B (Agitato)1:29:27 - Stanley runs insideagitated | butler | chromatic sequence | criminal | dissonant bass | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | room | running | street | transition

In This Our Life (1942)

Stanley (Triste)1:29:42 - Stanley enters the house9th chord | agitated | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | criminal | leading lady | room | running | sigh gesture | somber | tense | transition | uncle

In This Our Life (1942)

Maestoso1:31:51 - Stanley runs off cryingconflict | criminal | crying | departing | dissonant bass | dramatic | leading lady | polychord | room | running | street | uncle | yelling

In This Our Life (1942)

Stanley B (Very Agitated)1:32:15 - Stanley hides from the policeagitated | chromatic scale | conflict | criminal | dissonant bass | fragmentation | hiding | leading lady | mysterious | police | room | running | rushing | street

In This Our Life (1942)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:32:30 - Stanley dashes through the gateconflict | criminal | dramatic | hiding | leading lady | police | running | rushing | street | underscoring

In This Our Life (1942)

Police (Chase)1:32:36 - Stanley runs for her carchromatic scale | conflict | criminal | dissonant bass | driving | fleeing | hiding | leading lady | ostinato | police | running | rushing | street | tense
The Informer (1935)Running and hiding0:07:54 - Frankie runs and hides in the shadowschromatic scale | establish character | familiar tune | folk song | hero | hiding | mickey-mousing | running | soldier | street | tense

The Informer (1935)

Running (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmchromatic scale | establish character | hero | mickey-mousing | running | street

The Informer (1935)

The Escape1:19:46 - Gypo escapes and a chase ensuesadvance plot | antagonist | chromatic scale | dramatic | escaping | headquarters | hurrying | leading man | mickey-mousing | prison | rebel | room | running | traitor | whole-tone | whole-tone chord

The Informer (1935)

The Informer (Gypo Hides)1:20:38 - Gypo sees British soldiers marchingantagonist | hiding | leading man | marching | running | street | tense | traitor | transition

The Informer (1935)

Gypo runs away1:21:26 - Gypo runs and hidesagitated | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | sequence | street | tense | traitor | transition

The Informer (1935)

The Informer (Up the Stairs)1:21:35 - Gypo goes up the stairs64 chord | agitated | antagonist | chromatic sequence | fragmentation | hallway | hiding | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | sequence | stairs | tense | traitor | transition | up

The Informer (1935)

The Escape (The Fight)1:28:25 - Rebels shoot through the doorantagonist | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climax | down | dramatic | escaping | falling | fighting | leading man | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | rebel | room | running | tense | traitor | whole-tone
Key Largo (1948)Scrambling0:47:31 - Deputy runs for the gun boss | conflict | dangerous | father | gangster | gun | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | moll | running | scrambling | tense | violent

Key Largo (1948)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:15:32 - Sheriff runs to talk to the Indiansconflict | dock | dramatic | running | sheriff | underscoring

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 2 (Setup)1:15:43 - Indians run from the sheriffconflict | death | dock | fleeing | gun | gunshot | menacing | running | setup | sheriff | shooting | tense | violent
The Letter (1940)Runners0:05:14 - Workers run through jungleaction scene | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | heroic | jungle | running | sequential modulation | servant | tense
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Spider1:18:41 - Trev hits a spideractor | bug effect | fear | hitting | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | room | running | scurrying | spider | suspect | tense

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Escaping)1:19:17 - Shelly flees from Trevactor | dramatic | escaping | fear | fleeing | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | room | running | suspect | unlocking

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly 2 (Fleeing)1:19:32 - Shelly runs to the caractor | chasing | dramatic | driving | fear | fleeing | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | ranch | running | running effect | suspect

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Fleeing)1:19:41 - Trev sees Shelly drive awayactor | dramatic | driving | fear | fleeing | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | ranch | running effect | suspect

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:26:47 - Trev runs after Lizaactor | anger | chasing | climax | dramatic | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | rancher | room | running | underscoring

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Trev runs1:27:01 - Trev runs after Lizachasing | climax | dramatic | husband | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | ranch | rancher | running | tense
Mildred Pierce (1945)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:10:21 - Wally reacts to the situationaction scene | breaking | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | death | dramatic | escaping | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | murder | room | running | smashing | sneaking | telephone | underscoring | victim | walking | whole-tone chord | worrying

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally runs0:11:01 - Wally runs out of the house action scene | beach | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | dramatic | friend | gun | gunshot | mickey-mousing | running | shooting | victim

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mildred (Frolicking)0:51:01 - Mildred runs to the beach9th chord | beach | cheerful | falling in love scene | flirting | foreign key modulation | frolicking | heroine | jaunty | leading lady | love interest | running | tritone

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Frolicking in the Surf0:51:05 - Monte and Mildred run to the water9th chord | 64 chord | beach | falling in love scene | foreign key modulation | frolicking | heroine | jaunty | leading lady | love interest | mickey-mousing | playful | running | splashing | swimming | water | waves

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Kay and Veda (Excited)1:13:21 - Veda drives away in her new caradded-note chord | advance plot | altered dominant | car | child | deceptive resolution | driving | excited | happy | heroine | kissing | leading lady | love interest | room | running

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mildred (Tragic)1:46:43 - Mildred runs awayaltered dominant | antagonist | arguing | betrayal | chromatic scale | climax | daughter | dramatic | emotional | half-diminished 7th chord | heroine | leading lady | room | running | sequence
Out of the Fog (1941)Stella Runs0:11:35 - Stella runs out of the restaurantboyfriend | criminal | departing | dock | emotional | establish character | evaded cadence | leading lady | leading man | restaurant | running | transcribed by ear | watching
The Unfaithful (1947)Chris 20:01:40 - Chris runs through the houseestablish character | graceful | joyful | leading lady | room | running
We Are Not Alone (1939)Boy runs downstairs0:03:07 - Gerald runs down the stairs9th chord | altered dominant | antagonist | boy | child | chromatic mediant | down | downstairs | establish character | foreign key modulation | gentle | home | mickey-mousing | mother | pedal tone | playful | running

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Boy runs back and forth0:04:52 - Gerald runs to the door and backback and forth | boy | child | establish character | father | hero | home | mickey-mousing | playful | running

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Frolic0:33:45 - Leni and Gerald run through the parkadvance plot | antagonist | boy | child | chromatic mediant | diminished 7th chord | foreign key modulation | gossiping | heroine | joyful | park | pedal tone | playing | running

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Celebre Romance (Agitato)1:01:40 - News of the warchaotic | classical music | conflict | crowd | dramatic | familiar tune | riot | Rubinstein | running | street | whole-tone | whole-tone chord
White Heat (1949)Running to window1:14:22 - Verna runs to the windowaction scene | dramatic | leading lady | mickey-mousing | moll | opening | room | running | stinger | tense | window

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:14:27 - Verna opens the windowaction scene | dramatic | leading lady | mickey-mousing | moll | room | running | stinger | tense | underscoring | window

White Heat (1949)

Big Ed's Death1:18:41 - Big Ed runsdark | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | moll | murder | murderer | murder scene | room | running | rushing | shooting | violence

White Heat (1949)

White Heat (Maestoso)1:43:03 - Police enter the factoryaction scene | agent | dramatic | factory | guard | police | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Police Raid1:43:09 - Gangster acting as lookoutaction scene | arriving | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | looking | march | murderer | police | running | rushing | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Climbing stairs1:47:22 - Gangsters climb up stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | dramatic | factory | fleeing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | rushing | stairs

White Heat (1949)

Cody 2 (Brash)1:48:12 - Agents run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | brash | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | shootout | stairs

White Heat (1949)

Prison Fight + Agents1:48:17 - Gangsters run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | combination of themes | dramatic | factory | fleeing | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | shootout | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Prison Fight + Agents1:48:30 - Agents run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | stairs | tense
The Woman in White (1948)Laura runs0:34:56 - Laura runs offfalling in love scene | garden | hurried | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | rushing

The Woman in White (1948)

Laura (Harp Countermelody)0:36:14 - Laura runs insideadvance plot | arriving | fiancé | gentle | leading lady | leading man | mansion | running

The Woman in White (1948)

Appearing0:43:56 - The woman in white runs from Foscoadvance plot | garden | leading lady | leading man | magical | mysterious | running

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann0:43:58 - The woman in white runs awayadvance plot | garden | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | running

The Woman in White (1948)

Appearing1:10:28 - The woman in white disappearsadvance plot | antagonist | criminal | doctor | hiding | husband | leading lady | leading man | magical | mysterious | room | running | superimposed shot | victim
Transgression (1931)Main Title0:00:15 - Title of film, starring list, cast listAABA structure | altered dominant | cast list | gentle | happy | harmonic sequence | leading lady | mode mixture | opening title sequence | plagal cadence | pleasant | running | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Gridiron Flash (1934)Transition 20:33:47 - Sports montageathlete | dramatic | football | football game | headline | montage | newspaper | playing | running
We're Only Human (1935)The Informer (Up the Stairs)0:27:17 - Pete prepares to advance64 chord | action scene | agitated | bank | chromatic sequence | detective | dodging | fragmentation | gangster | gunshot | hiding | leading man | preparing | running | stinger | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

Lost Patrol 11:03:12 - A man runsclimax | conflict | detective | dramatic | fleeing | frantic | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | reporter | running | shooting | victim | whole-tone | whole-tone chord | yard

We're Only Human (1935)

The Wearin' o' the Green (Fighting)1:03:42 - Pete prepares to advancechromatic parallelism | climax | conflict | detective | dramatic | fragmentation | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | reporter | running | sequence | shooting | tense | underscoring | victim | yard

We're Only Human (1935)

Game 71:05:48 - Pete runs up the stairs9th chord | climax | conflict | detective | dramatic | gangster | leading man | murderer | parallelism | pc set | pedal tone | room | running | rushing | tense | underscoring | whole-tone chord
Without Honor (1949)Dog0:01:55 - A dog runningcar | dog | driving | establish setting | leading man | light | orchard | playful | running | street

Without Honor (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:37:33 - Jane climbs out the windowaction scene | escaping | hiding | leading lady | running | tense | underscoring | window | yard

Without Honor (1949)

Lullaby + Underscoring (Tense)0:37:46 - Jane runs to the road | action scene | combination of themes | escaping | hiding | ice cream truck | leading lady | running | scored source music | source music | street | tense | underscoring

Without Honor (1949)

Chasing bus0:38:22 - Jane runs after the busaction scene | bus | chasing | dramatic | falling | leading lady | mickey-mousing | running | street

Without Honor (1949)

Appassionato 2 (Molto Expressivo)0:59:06 - Jane cuts her wristantagonist | attempted suicide | bathroom | breaking | brother | climax | committing suicide | conversing | cutting | dramatic | entering | grabbing | husband | knocking | leading lady | leading man | razor blade | room | running | suicide | wife | yelling

Without Honor (1949)

Valse Triste (Agitato)1:05:49 - Bill tries to stop Fredanger | antagonist | brother | car | chasing | complaining | departing | dramatic | driving | harsh | husband | leading man | resolution | running | street | tense | yelling
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)Emotions (Agitato)0:37:04 - The iron dooraction scene | agitated | castle | descending | door | fear | leading lady | opening | running | rushing | screaming | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Running Away)0:45:17 - Eve runs awayaction scene | agitated | chasing | fleeing | following | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Running Away)0:45:34 - Eve jumps over a creviceaction scene | agitated | chasing | fleeing | following | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Deliberate)0:47:51 - Bob and Eve scramble awayaction scene | count | dark | escaping | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | pursuing | running | scrambling | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Fog0:48:02 - Bob and Eve in the fogaction scene | count | dark | escaping | gun | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | pursuing | running | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase + The Iron Door0:49:03 - A big doorbarking | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | dog | door | dramatic | jungle | opening | running | servant | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Quasi Mysterioso)0:49:16 - Bob and Eve in the fogbarking | castle | chase scene | chasing | dog | dramatic | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | preparing | running | servant | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage + Russian Waltz + Iron Door0:49:23 - Bob and Eve running awaychase scene | combination of themes | dark | dramatic | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | ominous | preparing | running | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Tremolo) + The Iron Door (Horn Call)0:49:40 - The Count blows his hunting hornchase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dog | dramatic | fog | horn | jungle | leading lady | leading man | playing | running | scored source music | score to source | servant | source music | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase + Courage0:50:01 - Bob and Eve stumbling through the fogchase scene | combination of themes | dramatic | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | stumbling | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Tuttissimo)0:50:04 - The dogs appearchase scene | chasing | dog | dramatic | jungle | running | servant | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Dogs Chasing)0:50:11 - The dogs runningchase scene | chasing | dog | dramatic | jungle | running | servant | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Tense) + The Iron Door (Horn Call)0:50:16 - Bob and Eve in the waterbarking | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | dog | dramatic | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | scored source music | servant | source music | stumbling | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Chasing)0:50:39 - The dogs chase after Bob and Evebarking | chase scene | chasing | count | dog | dramatic | jungle | running | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Rising)0:50:52 - The dogs runningbarking | chase scene | chasing | dog | dramatic | jungle | running | servant | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Allegro)0:51:09 - Count Zaroff runningagitated | chase scene | chasing | count | dark | dog | dramatic | fanfare | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | servant | stumbling | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Chasing)0:51:28 - Count Zaroff in pursuitagitated | chase scene | chasing | count | dark | dog | dramatic | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | servant | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach (Fear)0:51:35 - Bob and Eve stopagitated | chase scene | crocodile | dark | dramatic | fear | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | stopping | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Crocodile + Courage0:51:36 - A crocodilechase scene | combination of themes | crocodile | dark | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | stumbling | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase + Russian Waltz (Augmented)0:52:02 - Dogs running through the swampagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dog | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | ominous | running | servant | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Furioso)0:52:13 - Eve runs towards a logagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | count | dark | dog | dramatic | falling | jungle | leading lady | leading man | log | mickey-mousing | running | servant | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Slow)0:52:19 - Eve falls on a logchase scene | chasing | dark | jungle | leading lady | leading man | log | ominous | running | standing | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Allegro)0:52:24 - Eve and Bob run over the logagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | dog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | log | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Allegro)0:52:39 - Eve and Bob climb a treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | climbing | dog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | tree | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Heavy)0:52:45 - The dogs bark up the treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | climbing | count | dark | dog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Accelerando) + The Iron Door0:53:02 - The dogs bark up the treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dark | dog | escaping | hiding | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | lifting | log | mickey-mousing | running | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain | vine

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Allegro con Fuoco)0:53:24 - Zaroff looks up at the treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | count | dark | dog | jungle | running | searching | servant | tense | tree | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase + The Iron Door0:53:33 - Bob and Eve run along a clifftopchase scene | cliff | combination of themes | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach (Risoluto)0:53:38 - Bob and Eve hide in the treesbarking | chase scene | cliff | climbing | cutting | dog | dramatic | hiding | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Running) + The Iron Door0:54:08 - Bob runs through the junglechase scene | chasing | close-up | combination of themes | count | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | point-of-view shot | running | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Running)0:54:15 - A close-up on Zaroffchase scene | chasing | close-up | count | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | point-of-view shot | running | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Waterfall0:54:20 - Rushing waterchase scene | chasing | dog | falling | flowing | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | planning | river | running | shirt | splashing | tense | trap | victim | water effect | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Dog attacking0:55:42 - A dog rushes at Bobattacking | climax | count | dog | dramatic | fighting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | river | running | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Agitato)1:00:32 - Bob is almost hit by a knifecastle | count | death | dodging | dramatic | escaping | gun | knife | leading lady | leading man | preparing | running | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Agitato)1:00:45 - Bob and Eve escapingarrow | castle | count | death | dramatic | escaping | gun | leading lady | leading man | rising | running | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Meno) + The Iron Door1:00:50 - The Count risescastle | combination of themes | dark | death | escaping | gun | knife | leading lady | leading man | rising | running | servant | victim
White Heat (1949)Danger (Tense)1:48:48 - Gangsters run awayaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fanfare | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Gathering1:49:06 - Agents in actionaction scene | agent | chasing | combination of themes | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Risoluto)1:49:17 - Agents advanceaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:49:19 - Gangsters run awayaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Extended)1:49:34 - Gangsters hideaction scene | agent | factory | frantic | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Headache (Explosion)1:52:26 - Cody shoots a gas valveagent | climax | dramatic | exploding | explosion | factory | fire | frantic | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | laughing | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | shooting
Caged (1950)Caged (Waiting)0:56:52 - Marie waits by the parole officeadvance plot | announcing | dissonant bass | fidgeting | guard | leading lady | prison | prisoner | running | shadow | sigh gesture | tense | waiting

Caged (1950)

Hysteria1:00:55 - Marie runs down the hallalarm | anxiety | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dissonant bass | dramatic | escaping | guard | hysteria | leading lady | mad scene | pc set | polychord | prison | prisoner | running | tense
Mara Maru (1952)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:46:32 - A boat on firearriving | crowd | death scene | dock | dousing | dramatic | fire | fire effect | hurrying | leading man | police | running | tense | underscoring

Mara Maru (1952)

Rushing1:20:29 - Benedict runs in to check the compassaction scene | antogonist | captain | cross | diver | dramatic | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | running | rushing | rushing effect | ship | storm | tense | treasure | wind | worker | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Hurrying1:23:36 - People running from the boatantogonist | chase scene | chasing | cross | escaping | fleeing | frantic | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | rock | running | ship | ship wreck | storm | wave | wind | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

The Escape1:23:42 - People running from the boatantogonist | chase scene | chasing | corpse | cross | dark | death | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | gunshot | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | private eye | rain | rock | running | ship | ship wreck | shooting | stinger | storm | wind | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

The Wind1:24:04 - Wind rushing through the treeschase scene | chasing | cross | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | hurrying | jungle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | rain | running | storm | wind | wind effect | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict (Molto Marcato)1:24:17 - Benedict chases Gregoryantagonist | bodyguard | chase scene | chasing | cross | dark | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | hurrying | jungle | murderer | rain | running | storm | wind

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Running)1:24:20 - Gregory runs from Benedictchase scene | chasing | cross | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | heroic | hurrying | jungle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | rain | running | running effect | storm | wind | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict (Chasing)1:24:24 - Benedict chases Gregoryantagonist | bodyguard | chase scene | chasing | cross | dark | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | hurrying | jungle | murderer | rain | running | storm | wind

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:24:27 - Gregory runs from Benedictchase scene | chasing | cross | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | hurrying | jungle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | rain | running | rushing effect | storm | wind | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

The Wind1:24:31 - Gregory runs from Benedictchase scene | chasing | cross | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | hurrying | jungle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | rain | running | storm | wind | wind effect | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict1:24:37 - Benedict chases Gregoryantagonist | bodyguard | chase scene | chasing | cross | dark | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | gunshot | hurrying | jungle | murderer | rain | running | storm | wind

Mara Maru (1952)

Pursuing1:24:39 - Benedict chases Gregoryantogonist | bodyguard | chase scene | chasing | cross | dark | dramatic | escaping | fear | fleeing | frantic | gun | hurrying | jungle | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | rain | running | running effect | rushing effect | storm | tense | wind

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict (Shrill)1:25:03 - Benedict chases Gregoryantogonist | bodyguard | chase scene | chasing | cross | dark | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | hurrying | jungle | leading man | murderer | rain | running | shrill | storm | tense | wind

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory + Struggling (Dissonant)1:25:07 - Gregory runs awayantogonist | bodyguard | chase scene | chasing | cross | dark | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | hurrying | jungle | leading man | murderer | rain | running | storm | tense | wind

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:33:58 - Fortuno shoots at Gregoryaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | cross | dramatic | escaping | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | running | shooting | suspsect | tense | tunnel

Mara Maru (1952)

The Chase1:34:03 - Ortega and Gregory run awayaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | cross | dramatic | escaping | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | running | running effect | shooting | suspsect | tense | tunnel

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict (Menacing)1:34:30 - Ortega tries to block the dooraction scene | antagonist | arguing | blocking | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | climax | cross | defending | dramatic | gun | gunshot | leading man | martyr | menacing | murderer | ominous | protecting | pushing | running | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

Police1:34:53 - The police enteraction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | cross | dramatic | gun | gunshot | heroic | leading man | martyr | murderer | police | running | shooting | stairs | tense | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

Descending the stairs1:34:55 - Fortuno runs down the stairsaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | cross | descending | dramatic | gun | gunshot | leading man | martyr | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | stairs | tense | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

Ascending the stairs1:35:08 - Benedict runs up the stairsaction scene | antagonist | ascending | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | dramatic | mickey-mousing | murderer | ominous | running | stairs | tense | tunnel