3 results for "meter change" in 3 films — see also changing meter | metric dissonance
Film | Theme name | Instance | Tags |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Marcia Maestoso) | 0:08:58 - Eddie dreams | applauding | common-chord modulation | double exposure | dreaming | dream sequence | fragmentation | leading man | meter change | montage | reciting | thematic transformation | transcribed by ear | triumphant |
The Informer (1935) | The Wearin' o' the Green (Rebel Jury) | 1:05:48 - Camera pans to show all of the faces of the rebel jury | 64 chord | bold | courtroom | courtroom scene | familiar tune | fanfare | folk song | headquarters | judging | jury | meter change | mode mixture | noble | panning shot | patriotic | plagal cadence | rebel | room |
Half Shot at Sunrise (1930) | Springtime of Love (Dancing) | 1:05:24 - Gilbert and Olga dance | dancing | fountain | garden | leading man | love interest | meter change | song and dance scene | upbeat |