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In This Our Life (1942)

Home > Film: In This Our Life > Gesture: Car crash 2 > Instance: 1:34:17

Gesture name: Car crash 2
Start time: 1:34:17
Page #: 130
Measure #: 86
Scene: Reel 10 Part 3
Key: unstable
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 152
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Stanley's car crashes
Description: A dramatic orchestral accent for Stanley's car crash, including trills for the burning flames and flutter-tongued brass to convey the horror of the scene
Music annotations: [m. 86] fff / flutter / no flutter; [m. 87] mf
Film annotations: [m. 86] Car turns over; [m. 87] Fire; [m. 88] Cop gets out
Orchestration annotations: [m. 86] fff T.C. / gong fff; [m. 87] W.W. shakes + str divisi tremolo / vibraphone / harps bisb / also pianos / roll on cymbal / p (timp)
Analysis: Uses a dominant flat-9th chord

9th chord | brash | car | car crash | chase scene | climax | crashing | criminal | dramatic | driving | dying | falling | fire | leading lady | mickey-mousing | police | street | tense
