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3 results for "barbed" in 1 films — see also biting

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Crime School (1938)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:29:09 - Frankie hides then runsbarbed wire fence | battle call | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | escape | escaping | gang | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Barbed Wire)0:29:18 - Frankie gets caught on barbed wireanguished | barbed wire fence | battle call | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climbing | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | dramatic | escape | half-diminished 7th chord | pain | pc set | reformatory | struggling | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

The Warden (The Guards)0:29:34 - Warden's guards run to catch Frankie64 chord | anguished | barbed wire fence | battle call | capturing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dragging | dramatic | escape | falling | pc set | police | reformatory | running | sequence | teenager | tense | warden