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City for Conquest (1940)

Home > Film: City for Conquest > Theme: Tone Poem Introduction > Instance: 1:32:01

Theme name: Tone Poem Introduction
Start time: 1:32:01
End time: 1:32:32
Total duration: 0:00:31
Page #: 96
Measure #: 1
Scene: Tone Poem
Key: unstable - F
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 84
Marking: Maestoso rythmico
Instrumentation: orchestra
Solo Instrument: bass clarinet, piano
On-screen: Orchestra playing in a concert hall
Description: Eddie's Magic Isle Symphony (Steiner's "Tone Poem") is played in its entirety onstage at Carnegie Hall; we see a full symphony orchestra conducted by Eddie (in addition to the standard orchestral setup, we see alto and tenor saxophones, two grand pianos, two harps, and celeste); the onstage performers in this scene are probably playing along with a pre-recorded version of the Symphony done on a soundstage (most of the musicians follow the score quite well but the trombones and trumpets are noticeably off from the recording in a few places); the camera shifts between various sections of the orchestra, the conductor, and Peggy listening in the audience; we also see Danny listening to the Symphony on his radio; Steiner's sketch for the Tone Poem (which we refer to here) is a separate document from the sketches for the rest of the film (BYU also has the conductor's score, the full orchestrated score, and a version for two pianos); some measures of Steiner's composition have been cut from the film version and there are three possible endings provided
Music annotations: [m. 1] maestoso rythmico / ff / sfz / sffz; [m. 2] ten ; [m. 3] ten; [m. 4] sffz / sffz; [m. 5] sffz / sfz; [m. 6] rubato / mf / accel; [m. 7] mf / grazioso / gliss / rall; [m. 9] rall
Orchestration annotations: [m. 1] tutti / trbs etc / timp; [m. 2] timp; [m. 3] timp simile; [m. 5] b clar solo / timp; [m. 7] pianos cel / W.W. / basses celli bassoons bar sax (slap tongue) / timp; [m. 8] piano solo; [m. 9] 8 violins + piccolo 8va higher (divisi + harmonics) / str div + W.W. / end of piano / str horns saxes / large cymbal with stick / 2 harps
Analysis: The Tone Poem begins with a bold introductory passage featuring a dotted-rhythm melody supported by parallel major triads and dominant sevenths; after settling into the V7 of F major, we hear a rhapsodic bass clarinet solo answered by strings, then a descending four-note chromatic gesture that leads into the main theme

9th chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | chromatic parallelism | common-tone dominant 7th | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | dissonant bass | dominant 7th chord | double exposure | Dutch angle | Gershwinesque | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | radio | score to source | source music | watching
