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Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Home > Film: Angels With Dirty Faces > Gesture: Going up stairs > Instance: 1:19:27

Gesture name: Going up stairs
Start time: 1:19:27
End time: 1:19:48
Total duration: 0:00:21
Page #: 70
Measure #: 17
Scene: Reel 9 Part I
Key: unstable
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 132
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Rocky runs up the stairs
Description: Ascending music as Rocky goes up the stairs
Music annotations: [m. 17] ff / tutti; [m. 20] tremolo; [m. 22] sffz / glisses C major
Film annotations: [m. 17] R. runs up stairs; [m. 20] Cop raises skylight; [m. 21] Rocky runs up stairs; [m. 22] Cops looks thru skylight / Shots (general)
Orchestration annotations: [m. 17] violins / 1 tpt / cellos / basses / 1 trb, bs clarinet; [m. 19] str, W.W.; [m. 21] trpts; [m. 22] piano gliss / timp / T.C.
Analysis: A rising sequential pattern is played against parallel major 7th chords (representing the open skylight)

agitated | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | gangster | leading man | major 7th chord | mickey-mousing | running | sequence | stairs | stairwell | up
