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Crime School (1938)

Home > Film: Crime School > Gesture: Running around > Instance: 0:56:37

Gesture name: Running around
Start time: 0:56:37
End time: 0:57:21
Total duration: 0:00:44
Page #: 68
Measure #: 3
Scene: Reel 7
Key: unstable
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 144
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Boys run out of the building
Description: Running music, then dramatic underscoring as Mark saves Squirt from the explosion; dramatic crescendo for a cut to the boiler room
Music annotations: [m. 3] tutti; [m. 5] this is a continuation from the previous reel / sf / tutti; [m. 6] risoluto; [m. 7] sf; [m. 8] tutti / sf / gliss; [m. 9] 8va / sffz
Film annotations: [m. 3] Kids yelling; [m. 4] Kids run up; [m. 5] Stop / Excitement; [m. 6] Braydon enters; [m. 7] Gang talking; [m. 8] People running; [m. 9] Steam + fire;
Orchestration annotations: [m. 3] trbs + str; [m. 9] harps fast glisses) / cymbal roll / brass muted
Analysis: Accents, sudden stops and starts, and linear chromaticism

action scene | chromatic parallelism | gang | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | rushing | teenager | tense | worker
