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Mara Maru (1952) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: Mara Maru > Gesture: Gauge falling > Instance: 1:17:42

Gesture name: Gauge falling
Start time: 1:17:42
Page #: 87
Measure #: 49
Scene: Reel 8 Part 2
Tempo (bpm): 100
Instrumentation: strings
On-screen: Falling air pressure on a gauge
Description: We hear a falling gesture as the camera focuses on the air pressure gauge, with the pressure now going down

action scene | antogonist | boat | captain | descending | diver | dramatic | falling | gauge | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | private eye | rain | relief | ship | storm | worker