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Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Home > Film: Angels With Dirty Faces > Gesture: Car slowing down > Instance: 0:42:10

Gesture name: Car slowing down
Start time: 0:42:10
End time: 0:42:26
Total duration: 0:00:16
Page #: 34
Measure #: 34
Scene: Reel 5 Part 3
Key: unstable
Meter: 12/8
Tempo (bpm): 92
Marking: Allegro Moderato
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Car slows down
Description: Descending pattern in strings as the car slows down; the music stops with a drone
Music annotations: [m. 34] mf / quasi mysterioso / a tempo; [m. 36] rall / rit; [m. 37] sffz
Film annotations: [m. 34] Car drives in; [m. 36] Car stops; [m. 37] Gun in stomach / Rocky! / This connects with Part 4
Orchestration annotations: [m. 34] W.W. + str; [m. 35] trbs added (hats); [m. 36] timp pp
Analysis: Linear chromaticism creates a variety of sonority types in this gesture

advance plot | arriving | car | gangster | garage | lawyer | linear chromaticism | mysterious | sequence | slowing | stopping
