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Mildred Pierce (1945)

Home > Film: Mildred Pierce > Gesture: Mildred stands and walks to window > Instance: 1:38:02

Gesture name: Mildred stands and walks to window
Start time: 1:38:02
End time: 1:38:10
Total duration: 0:00:08
Page #: 123
Measure #: 10
Scene: Reel 11 Part 1
Key: Bb
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 66
Marking: Very slow
On-screen: Mildred stands up and goes to the window
Description: Mildred gets up and walks to the window, accompanied by a graceful ascending harp arpeggiation
Film annotations: [m. 10] She looks at him
Orchestration annotations: [m. 10] vibra (let it ring) / piano (let it ring) / mp harp soo slowly / add celeste / pp 2nd bass (pizz)

advance plot | delicate | graceful | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | peaceful | rising | room | standing | up | walking
