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Mara Maru (1952) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: Mara Maru > Gesture: Dropping anchor > Instance: 1:00:18

Gesture name: Dropping anchor
Start time: 1:00:18
End time: 1:00:31
Total duration: 0:00:13
Page #: 54
Measure #: 1
Scene: Reel 7 Part 1
Meter: 2/4
Tempo (bpm): 88
Marking: Modto
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: The anchor drops
Description: We hear a quick descending gesture as we see the anchor dropping into the sea, followed by a low pedal tone as it anchors the boat
Music annotations: [m. 1] modto / f / col; [m. 2] sfz; [m. 4] a tempo;
Orchestration annotations: [m. 1] W.W. strings 2 pianos; [m. 2] add orns / tutti (no brass) / 2 trbs / timp / tutti (tuba); [m. 4] etc tuba / celli basses; [m. 5] piano W.W. harp;

action scene | anchor | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | dramatic | dropping | falling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | private eye | ship | ship