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Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: Lightning Strikes Twice > Gesture: Slipping > Instance: 1:03:21

Gesture name: Slipping
Start time: 1:03:21
Page #: 71
Measure #: 16
Scene: Reel 7 Part 3
Key: unstable
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 69
Instrumentation: strings, woodwinds
On-screen: Shelly slips
Description: We hear a stumbling gesture as Shelly slips when she gets out of the car
Music annotations: [m. 16] sffz / f / fast (risoluto) / dim; [m. 17] molto vibrato / expressivo; [m. 20] molto vibrato / mf
Film annotations: [m. 16] Grabs her
Orchestration annotations: [m. 16] tutti / add pianos let them ring / cue in Novachord - might make it a little "thicker" (no W.W. however); [m. 17] basses celli only; [m. 19] violas; [m. 20] violins / W.W.

actor | car | conflict | dark | friend | leading lady | love interest | mickey-mousing | ranch | slipping | stumbling
