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Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Home > Film: Angels With Dirty Faces > Gesture: Breaking in > Instance: 1:18:11

Gesture name: Breaking in
Start time: 1:18:11
Page #: 66
Measure #: 16
Scene: Reel 8 Part 3
Key: unstable
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 112
Marking: Quasi Mysterioso
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Rocky enters the building
Description: Bass pizzicato as Rocky sneaks inside the rooftop hatch; descending gestures as he lets himself down through the roof; bass hit as he lands on the floor
Music annotations: [m. 19] legato / (tutti no brass) / sfz / arco; [m. 22] (watch picture) / sfz-p; [m. 23] (hold it) / music out / (Not too soft bitte, the whole scene! I know it's lousy!! Maxie)
Film annotations: [m. 19] Rocky crawls through / Lets himself down; [m. 20] Hangs by hands; [m. 22] Jumps / He stands; [m. 23] Sirens / Police sirens
Orchestration annotations: [m. 19] celli, bassoon, b clar; [m. 20] timp roll; [m. 22] harps etc bliss, piano / trbs

conflict | down | gangster | jumping | landing | leading man | mickey-mousing | room | sneaking | sneaky
