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Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Home > Film: Angels With Dirty Faces > Gesture: Frazier gets shot > Instance: 1:16:56

Gesture name: Frazier gets shot
Start time: 1:16:56
Page #: 59
Measure #: 15
Scene: Reel 8 Part 2
Key: unstable
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 112
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Frazier gets shot and dies
Description: Descending gesture as Frazier falls to the ground; lots of crowd noise
Music annotations: [m. 15] sfz / sffz; [m. 16] sffz; [m. 17] gliss / sfffz
Film annotations: [m. 15] F. falls on chairs / People running; [m. 16] F. falls; [m. 17] Hits floor
Orchestration annotations: [m. 15] W.W., strings / timp roll
Analysis: Descending chromatic scales lead to low, thick chords

agitated | casino | chromatic scale | conflict | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | lawyer | leading man | mickey-mousing | shooting
