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Crime School (1938)

Home > Film: Crime School > Gesture: Jumping down > Instance: 1:12:03

Gesture name: Jumping down
Start time: 1:12:03
Page #: 90
Measure #: 1
Scene: Reel 8 (Part 3)
Key: unstable
Meter: 2/4
Tempo (bpm): 138
Marking: Allegro
Instrumentation: strings
On-screen: Boys jump out of the window
Description: Descending arpeggios synchronized with each of the jumps
Music annotations: [m. 6] mp
Film annotations: [m. 2] Boys hit ground; [m. 7] 2nd boy; [m. 9] 3rd boy; [m. 17] 4th boy
Orchestration annotations: [m. 1] 2 harps + piano; [m. 6] as before; [m. 9] harps etc (as before); [m. 16] harps as before; [m. 22] timp
Analysis: Each jump is a diminished or half-diminished arpeggiation

diminished 7th chord | down | escape | escaping | gang | half-diminished 7th chord | jumping | mickey-mousing | mysterious | reformatory | sneaking | teenager
