In This Our Life (1942)

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Film Music Structure for In This Our Life

Number Scene Type Time Theme Variant Gesture On-screen
1 opening title sequence 0:00:00 Signature WB shield
2 0:00:08 Transition Starring list
3 0:00:17 Our Life Title of the film
4 0:00:34 Meno Cast list
5 establish character 0:02:02 Asa The Timberlake crest
6 0:02:33 Asa Expressivo Asa walks
7 0:02:59 Roy Roy descends a staircase
8 0:06:35 Stanley Introduction A car arrives
9 0:06:56 Stanley Stanley talks with Peter
10 0:07:06 Stanley B Stanley talks with Peter
11 0:07:23 Stanley Stanley drives away
12 0:07:32 Stanley She Runs Stanley runs inside
13 0:11:58 Stanley Rubato Stanley talks with Roy
14 0:12:06 Roy Dolce Roy talks with Stanley
15 0:12:28 Expressivo Stanley talks with Roy
16 0:12:41 Big Sweep Stanley leaves
17 0:12:54 Roy Triste Roy walks up the stairs
18 advance plot 0:13:08 Caring Roy talks to Peter
19 0:13:28 Stanley Peter Lies Peter talks about his trip
20 0:13:39 Roy In Love Roy is relieved
21 0:13:57 Discussion Roy talks with Peter
22 0:14:34 Roy Rubato Roy talks with Peter
23 0:14:53 Pleadingly Roy looks at Peter
24 0:14:59 Roy Lento Roy talks about their future
25 0:15:19 Stanley B Agitato Peter replies to Roy
26 0:15:43 Roy Morendo Roy responds to Peter
27 0:16:11 Stanley Maestoso Peter closes the door
28 0:16:22 Stanley Valse Triste Roy looks out the window
29 0:16:33 Stanley B Valse Triste Craig arrives
30 0:16:44 Stanley Craig comes inside
31 0:16:56 Stanley Introduction Craig talks with Asa
32 0:17:11 Stanley Stanley comes down the stairs
33 0:17:20 Stanley B Slowly Stanley talks with Craig
34 0:17:44 Stanley B Poco Agitato Stanley packs her things
35 0:17:51 Stanley Packing Stanley packs her things
36 0:18:08 Stanley B Agitato Asa arrives in a car
37 conflict 0:21:45 Asa Triste Asa arrives home
38 0:22:19 Stanley Con Moto Roy talks about Stanley's letter
39 0:22:40 Roy Risoluto Roy talks to Asa
40 0:22:51 Expressivo Roy talks to Asa
41 0:23:03 Big Sweep Turn Roy looks in the mirror
42 0:23:08 Roy Grazioso Roy looks in the mirror
43 0:23:19 Caring Asa talks to Roy
44 0:23:26 Asa Ostinato Asa talks to Roy
45 0:23:49 Asa Molto Expressivo Roy leaves
46 advance plot 0:24:06 South American Way A spinning record
47 0:28:32 Stanley Gloomy Roy walking in the park
48 0:29:00 Roy Rubato Roy talks to Craig
49 0:29:23 Pleadingly Roy talks to Craig
50 0:29:32 Stanley Morendo Craig talks with Roy
51 0:29:56 Roy Encouragement Roy tries to cheer Craig up
52 0:30:21 Roy Tender Craig talks to Roy
53 wedding 0:31:40 Here Comes the Bride A Little Shimmer A convertible
54 0:32:14 Stanley Stringy Stanley and Peter in the car
55 0:32:24 Stanley She Runs Stanley talks to Peter
56 0:32:33 Stanley Shimmery Stanley smiles
57 dance scene 0:32:41 Java Jive A dance hall
58 0:33:03 This Time the Dream's on Me Stanley and Peter sit at a table
59 love scene 0:36:41 Stanley Introduction Extended Peter goes home
60 0:37:11 Stanley Cello Solo Peter sits on the couch
61 0:37:31 Flirting Peter goes to Stanley
62 0:37:56 Stanley Grazioso Stanley talks to Peter
63 0:38:19 Driving Roy and Craig in a car
64 0:39:07 Driving + Love Theme Roy and Craig in a car
65 0:39:54 Danger A forest ranger
66 0:40:10 Forest Fire A forest fire
67 0:40:44 Love Theme Roy and Craig sit on the ground
68 conflict 0:42:47 Blues in the Night Stanley puts a record on the phonograph
69 love scene 0:43:37 Blues in the Night Transition Craig's office door
70 0:43:43 Roy Expressivo Roy talks with Parry
71 0:44:06 Love Theme Valse Sentimentale Roy and Craig embrace
72 0:46:31 Love Theme Valse Sentimentale Roy talks with her uncle
73 turning point 0:47:29 Phone Call Asa answers the phone
74 0:48:25 Funereal Asa calls for the others
75 0:48:46 Underscoring (Somber) Asa relates the bad news
76 0:49:21 Underscoring (Dark) Asa tells them Peter committed suicide
77 0:49:32 Stanley B Agitato Uncle Fitzroy asks about Stanley
78 0:49:54 Roy Morendo 2 Roy reacts to the bad news
79 advance plot 0:50:40 Roy Delicate Roy arrives at Stanley's apartment
80 0:50:58 Underscoring (Gentle) Roy talks with Betty
81 0:51:37 Door opens Betty opens the door
82 0:51:39 Caring Roy greets Stanley
83 0:51:55 Stanley Peter Lies Roy at Stanley's bedside
84 0:52:05 Stanley B Slowly Roy at Stanley's bedside
85 0:52:23 Stanley Packing Roy at Stanley's bedside
86 0:52:42 Stanley Valse Triste Stanley talks to Roy
87 0:52:48 Stanley B Valse Triste Stanley talks to Roy
88 0:52:56 Stanley Stanley talks to Roy
89 0:53:04 Discussion Stanley talks to Roy
90 0:53:17 Stanley B Valse Triste Stanley cries
91 0:53:23 Stanley Roy comforts Stanley
92 0:53:32 Stanley Introduction Roy comforts Stanley
93 0:53:46 Stanley Roy comforts Stanley
94 0:53:56 Stanley Morendo Roy puts Stanley to bed
95 0:54:15 Roy Tender Roy tucks Stanley in
96 0:54:51 Blues in the Night Stanley dresses
97 0:57:12 How Do I Know It's Sunday Stanley starts a record playing
98 conflict 1:04:26 Uncle Fitzroy Uncle Fitzroy talks to Stanley
99 1:04:56 Anger Stanley gets angry
100 advance plot 1:05:14 Underscoring (Tense) Craig in his office
101 1:05:31 Stanley Introduction Extended 2 Stanley in Craig's office
102 1:05:53 Stanley Extended Stanley talks to Craig
103 1:06:13 Stanley B Slowly Stanley talks to Craig
104 1:06:29 Stanley Triste Stanley talks to Craig
105 1:06:47 Stanley Misterioso Stanley hesitates at the door
106 1:07:01 Stanley Introduction Stanley talks to Craig
107 1:07:11 Stanley Stanley talks to Craig
108 1:07:19 Stanley B Slowly Stanley talks to Craig
109 1:07:32 Stanley Dark Stanley leaves
110 1:07:39 South American Way Stanley in a bar
111 crime scene 1:08:53 Fast Driving + Stanley Stanley driving
112 1:09:01 Underscoring (Dramatic) Stanley has an accident
113 1:09:01 Car crash Stanley hits two pedestrians
114 1:09:06 Turning around Stanley turns around
115 1:09:12 Fast Driving Stanley drives away
116 investigation scene 1:09:16 Police A police car arrives
117 1:09:25 Underscoring (Tense) Policemen approach the house
118 1:09:49 Stanley Descending Staircase Policemen enter the house
119 advance plot 1:12:42 Stanley Introduction Extended 3 Stanley talks with Roy
120 1:12:57 Stanley Molto Expressivo Stanley talks with Roy
121 1:13:12 Roy Triste 2 Roy talks with Minerva
122 1:13:29 Minerva and Parry Minerva talks with Roy
123 conflict 1:14:36 Stanley Packing Newspaper headline about the accident
124 1:15:04 Underscoring (Tense) Craig refuses Parry's case
125 1:15:15 Stanley Molto Accell Craig talks about Stanley
126 1:15:51 Roy Molto Moderato Roy leaves
127 1:16:07 Stanley Slowly Craig reads a note
128 advance plot 1:16:20 You're a Lucky Guy Stanley dances
129 conflict 1:17:45 Autumn Nocturne Stanley puts on a record
130 1:20:10 Fast Driving Tense Craig's car pulls up to the jail
131 1:20:46 Stanley Slowly 2 Men playing checkers
132 1:21:07 Underscoring (Somber) Parry in his jail cell
133 1:21:28 Minerva and Parry Parry in his jail cell
134 1:22:39 Minerva and Parry Triste Parry talks to Stanley
135 1:23:09 Stanley Introduction Extended 4 Stanley and Craig leave the jail
136 1:23:33 London Bridge is Falling Down Molto Expressivo Craig talks to Stanley
137 1:23:45 London Bridge is Falling Down Mysterious Craig and Stanley argue
138 NIF Stanley Something Screwy
139 climax 1:25:21 Stanley Agitato Craig talks to Stanley
140 1:25:34 Underscoring (Tense) + South American Way Stanley reacts
141 1:26:23 Stanley Valse Triste Stanley confesses
142 1:26:39 Stanley B Slowly Extended Stanley confesses
143 1:27:04 Expressivo Extended Lavinia rises
144 1:27:23 Big Sweep Subtle Stanley reacts
145 1:27:33 Stanley Extended Stanley goes upstairs
146 1:27:58 Love Theme Gentle Roy talks to Craig
147 1:28:57 Big Sweep Stanley escapes
148 1:29:06 Stanley Driving Away Craig goes to the phone
149 transition 1:29:17 Fast Driving Stanley driving her car
150 1:29:27 Stanley B Agitato Stanley runs inside
151 1:29:42 Stanley Triste Stanley enters the house
152 conflict 1:31:34 Anger Agitato Stanley yells at her uncle
153 1:31:51 Maestoso Stanley runs off crying
154 1:32:15 Stanley B Very Agitated Stanley hides from the police
155 1:32:30 Underscoring (Dramatic) Stanley dashes through the gate
156 1:32:36 Police Chase Stanley runs for her car
157 chase scene 1:32:59 Stanley Chase The police chase after Stanley
158 1:33:12 Stanley Fleeing The police chase after Stanley
159 1:33:29 Underscoring (Dramatic) Two other policeman see Stanley
160 1:33:37 Stanley Crying Stanley crying in her car
161 1:33:49 Stanley + Stanley B Rising Tension The police in hot pursuit
162 1:34:02 Stanley Desperate The police in hot pursuit
163 1:34:09 Underscoring (Dramatic) Stanley's eyes in the rear-view mirror
164 1:34:17 Car crash 2 Stanley's car crashes
165 1:34:28 Stanley Tragic Police run to Stanley's car
166 resolution NIF Stanley
167 NIF The End
168 1:35:07 Fast Driving Dark Policemen on the radio
169 1:35:22 Underscoring (Tense) Policemen on the radio
170 1:35:39 Love Theme Slowly Craig answers a phone call
171 end title sequence 1:36:17 Love Theme End Title End title credits