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All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Home > Film: All This, and Heaven Too > Theme: Gossip > Instance: 0:55:36

Theme name: Gossip
Start time: 0:55:36
End time: 0:55:55
Total duration: 0:00:19
Page #: 104
Measure #: 82
Scene: Reel 6 Part 5
Key: unstable
Meter: 2/4
Tempo (bpm): 120
Marking: Quasi mysterioso
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Scissors cut a newspaper clipping
Description: Harsh, syncopated music in parallel minor seconds is heard as we see a woman cutting out a newspaper clipping of some gossip about the Duke and the governess
Music annotations: [m. 82] enharmonic / modto (quasi mysterioso) / Bitch music! Hence the melody in seconds! Acid orchestration bitte!! (not too big --> gossip business!) / f; [m. 86] sfz / simile; [m. 90] mf / pizz; [m. 92] sfz; [m. 94] accell / sfz / mf / pizz; [m. 98] risoluto; [m. 99] rall
Film annotations: [m. 82] Hands cutting newspaper; [m. 94] Mlle Mayard smiling
Orchestration annotations: [m. 82] W.W. / str / harp piano and W.W.; [m. 90] ? str + clar piano / piano / 1st harp / oboes / violas / harp / 1 trb / horns / bassoons / timp roll; [m. 94] W.W. / str / W.W. / muted horns (or not - I don't care) / almost tutti / timp / + trb / gong; [m. 95] trpt; [m. 96] W.W. / horns / piano etc / gong; [m. 98] trpts / mega mute + oboes / harps / horns + violas; [m. 99] timp
Analysis: Repeated dissonant fragments harmonized with ninth chords; the middle portion features parallel major triads

9th chord | advance plot | chromatic parallelism | cutting | dissonant bass | gossiper | gossiping | harsh | minor second | newspaper | room | scissors | tense
