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I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Home > Film: I Was a Communist for the FBI > Gesture: Searching > Instance: 0:58:52

Gesture name: Searching
Start time: 0:58:52
End time: 0:59:03
Total duration: 0:00:11
Page #: 28
Measure #: 33
Scene: Reel 6 Part 1
Key: unstable
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 132
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: The communists search the room
Description: As the commie agents search Eve's apartment, we hear pizzicato ascending arpeggiations
Music annotations: [m. 33] crescendo; [m. 35] sempre crescendo / mp
Orchestration annotations: [m. 33] strgs pizz / (let it ring) harp + piano
Analysis: The cue features dissonant m9ths in the outer registers

communist | create suspense | mickey-mousing | room | searching | sneaking | spy | tense
