
Friends and Lovers (1931) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

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Title: Friends and Lovers [IMDb]

Film Structure

Tag Cloud

Release date: October 03, 1931
Studio: RKO
Runtime: 68 minutes
IMDB genres: drama, romance, war

Synopsis [hide]

British Army Captain Geoff Roberts carries on an affair with Alva, the wife of the cruel Victor Sangrito. Sangrito, however, is well aware of the affair, as he uses his beautiful wife to lure men into romance with her, then blackmailing them to save their careers. When Roberts falls into Sangrito's trap, he pays the blackmail and leaves for India, hoping to forget Alva, whom he loved, but now believes betrayed him. After some time in India, he is joined by his young friend and bosom companion Lieutenant Ned Nichols. Nichols, too, is in love with the same woman back in England. Though the two friends nearly come to blows over Alva, they eventually realize that she has been false to them both, and that their friendship far outweighs their feelings for a mendacious woman. But when the two are invalided home, they encounter Alva again, and learn that she may not have betrayed them after all.

Plot keywords (from IMDb): adultery, bare chested male, barmaid, based on novel, bewitching woman, blackmail, british army officer, brutality, butler, cigarette smoking, damsel in distress, death, deception, dysfunctional marriage, engagement, evil husband, expedition, extortion, female sexual predator, flirting, french, friendship, greed, gunfire, homosexual subtext, hospital, incarnated evil, india, jealousy, london england, love, male male relationship, military, military post, murder, party, photograph, possessive husband, reprisal, retribution, revenge, romantic rivalry, ruthlessness, seduction, taming of the shrew, unfaithful wife, vindication, violence, wounded in action, pre code film

Cast and Crew

Adolphe MenjouCaptain Geoffrey Roberts

Film Statistics

Film duration: 1:07:22
Music duration: 00:05:42
Pages in score: no score available
Total themes: 8
Themes with variants: 0
Total variants: 0
Total gestures: 0
Total underscoring sections: 0
Total underscoring duration: 00:00:00
Total instances: 10


Name Uses Variants
Row-Dowdy-Ow 2 0
Rule, Britannia! 2 0
British Army Bugle 1 0
Main Title A 1 0
Main Title B 1 0
Main Title C 1 0
RKO Tower 1 0

Source Music

Name Uses
Romancza 1