Friends and Lovers (1931) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

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Film Music Structure for Friends and Lovers

Number Scene Type Time Theme Variant Gesture On-screen
1 opening title sequence 0:00:00 RKO Tower Beeping RKO radio tower
2 0:00:13 Rule, Britannia!
3 0:00:20 Main Title A
4 0:00:30 Main Title B
5 0:01:01 Main Title C
6 0:01:20 Rule, Britannia!
7 0:34:33 British Army Bugle
8 0:41:10 Row-Dowdy-Ow
9 0:52:41 Romancza
10 1:07:05 Row-Dowdy-Ow