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The Big Sleep (1946)

Home > Film: The Big Sleep > Gesture: He skids > Instance: 1:33:53

Gesture name: He skids
Start time: 1:33:53
Page #: 113
Measure #: 26
Scene: Reel 11 Part 1
Key: unstable
Meter: 2/4
Tempo (bpm): 144
Instrumentation: special group
On-screen: Marlowe's car skids to a stop
Description: Steiner uses a quick rising and falling gesture to accompany the skidding car on-screen (which is unfortunately hard to hear under the sound effects)
Film annotations: [m. 25] He skids
Orchestration annotations: [m. 25] violins / W.W. / picc / slide whistle / harp gliss
Analysis: The skidding gesture begins with a rising chromatic scale, then falls by arpeggiating a GbM7

car | chromatic scale | leading man | mickey-mousing | private eye | skidding | street | tense | traveling scene
