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The Big Sleep (1946)

Home > Film: The Big Sleep > Gesture: Phone dialing > Instance: 1:21:07

Gesture name: Phone dialing
Start time: 1:21:07
End time: 1:21:19
Total duration: 0:00:12
Page #: 91
Measure #: 7
Scene: Reel 9 Part 3
Key: unstable
Meter: 3/4
Tempo (bpm): 100
Instrumentation: woodwinds, strings
On-screen: Marlowe dials a phone number
Description: A solo bassoon plays a plaintive melody that begins to turn around and around as Marlowe dials a number on the phone
Film annotations: [m. 11] Takes out cigarettes
Orchestration annotations: [m. 7] bassoon + flt
Analysis: A chromatic ostinato over an A11b9 chord

11th chord | advance plot | café | dialing | leading man | mickey-mousing | mysterious | ostinato | phone call | private eye | telephone | tense
