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The Big Sleep (1946)

Home > Film: The Big Sleep > Theme: Underscoring (Tense) > Instance: NIF

Theme name: Underscoring (Tense)
Start time: NIF
End time: NIF
Total duration: NIF
Page #: 86
Measure #: 84
Scene: Reel 9 Part 2
Key: unstable
Meter: 4/4
Marking: Poco agitato
On-screen: Marlowe and Carmen talk
Description: Tense underscoring (music cut from film)
Music annotations: [m. 84] (fuller); [m. 89] sfz-p / subito / simile; [m. 91] mp; [m. 92] cresc
Film annotations: [m. 84] Now tell me; [m. 88] Don't you like me; [m. 91] Go on Carmen
Orchestration annotations: [m. 84] str / W.W. / piano / one pizz; [m. 85] gong pp / piano and ?; [m. 86] sax?; [m. 88] timp p; [m. 89] flt / oboe / vibra / viol divis / horns / violas / celli / basses; [m. 91] 2 trpts (muted) flutter and Novach / Novach / sax
Analysis: Features oscillating and parallel diminished sevenths against a sustained tritone; ends with an (02468) whole-tone sonority

advance plot | chromatic parallelism | conversing | cut from film | diminished 7th chord | femme fatale | leading man | oscillation | private eye | room | tritone | underscoring | whole-tone chord
