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Mara Maru (1952) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: Mara Maru > Gesture: Surfacing > Instance: 0:02:34

Gesture name: Surfacing
Start time: 0:02:34
End time: 0:02:52
Total duration: 0:00:18
Page #: 9
Measure #: 27
Scene: Reel 1 Part 2
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 88
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Gregory rises from the water
Description: As Gregory slowly rises from the depths of the ocean and out of the water, we hear we a triumphant rising gesture that ascends with him; it slows a bit as he climbs the stairs of the boat
Music annotations: [m. 27] a tempo / p; [m. 28] etc col / simile; [m. 31] cont harp figuration; [m. 32] mp / etc / large arpe; [m. 33] ritenuto / molto cresc / etc col / p;
Film annotations: [m. 27] Starts up;
Orchestration annotations: [m. 27] violin soli; [m. violas + celli soli / harp (cue in piano) / horns trbs tuba bass etc; [m. 30] W.W. / cellli; [m. 31] celli + W.W; [m. 32] trpts (felts); [m. 33] timp;

assisting | boat | boat | child | diver | diving suit | establish character | heroic | hopeful | leading man | mickey-mousing | rising | surfacing | underwater | worker | working