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All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Home > Film: All This, and Heaven Too > Theme: Loti's Song > Instance: 1:24:31

Theme name: Loti's Song
Composer: M. K. Jerome; arranged by Max Steiner
Start time: 1:24:31
End time: 1:25:06
Total duration: 0:00:35
Page #: 173
Measure #: 1
Scene: Reel 9 Part 4
Key: f
Meter: 4/4
Tempo (bpm): 80
Marking: Modto (molto mysterioso)
Instrumentation: orchestra, voices
Solo Instrument: male voice
On-screen: Apples roasting on a fire
Description: An old man named Loti sings a scary song to the children as they roast apples on a fire; Steiner harmonizes his off-key singing with wordless female chorus and other weird instrumentation accented by harp arpeggiations
Music annotations: [m. 1] modto (molto mysterioso) / in at 120.06 / Salt and bread we've set for you / hum? / 1/2 trill / screwyoso / mp; [m. 3] and we've scat-tered ash and rue / etc as before / only in 2 8vas now; [m. 5] Now we'll say a pray'r for you / 1/2 trill / chrom; [m. 7] gliss / f; [m. 8] may you rest in peace; [m. 9] morendo
Orchestration annotations: [m. 1] Loti's voice on track / girls voices / orchestra / viol divi / W.W. + cel. / 2 add vibraph / harps / 4 celli + bassoons / timp / basses pizz / gong; [m. 5] add piccolo; [m. 6] gong solo; [m. 8] add cel piano vibraph; [m. 9] trbs / gong / timp / celli + basses
Analysis: Over a tonic pedal in F minor, the song is harmonized with i a #III III viio7 progression, accompanied by chromatic parallel major thirds; after some linear chromaticism, the song ends with a split-third tonic decorated with descending parallel minor triads

9th chord | child | chromatic mediant | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | cooking | create suspense | dissonant bass | forest | governess | leading lady | linear chromaticism | old man | pedal tone | scary | scored source music | singer | singing | split-third chord | spooky
