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The Most Dangerous Game (1932) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: The Most Dangerous Game > Gesture: Swimming > Instance: 0:07:56

Gesture name: Swimming
Start time: 0:07:56
End time: 0:08:11
Total duration: 0:00:15
Page #: 5
Measure #: 20
Scene: Reel 1 Part 2
Meter: 2/4
Tempo (bpm): 88
Instrumentation: orchestra
On-screen: Bob swims away
Description: As Bob swims away, Steiner writes some rhythmic swimming music for him, timing it to match the strokes of his swimming
Music annotations: [m. 20] D / moderato / Bernard: help this a little, with water effect! you know - a la Paradise / mf / this should sound "labored"!; [m. 22] sempre cresc; [m. 26] E
Film annotations: [m. 20] (Joe starts to swim) 6 strokes / 1 / 2; [m. 21] 3 / 4; [m. 22] 5 / 6
Analysis: Measure 26 is repeated three times in the film

action scene | beach | dramatic | escaping | leading man | mickey-mousing | ocean | ship wreck | swimming | tense