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Mildred Pierce (1945)

Home > Film: Mildred Pierce > Theme: Kay and Veda > Instance: 0:25:03

Theme name: Kay and Veda
Start time: 0:25:03
End time: 0:25:13
Total duration: 0:00:10
Page #: 37
Measure #: 9
Scene: Reel 3 Part 1
Key: G
Meter: 2/4
Tempo (bpm): 152
Marking: Grazioso
Instrumentation: strings
On-screen: Kay plays football in the street
Description: Fun, upbeat, and boisterous theme for Kay as she plays football in the street; the theme is later associated with both of the daughters, Kay and Veda; it features a recurring dotted-rhythm upper neighbor gesture; played by high-register strings over a fast-moving arpeggiated bass line
Music annotations: [m. 9] gliss / ticks / allegro / f / mf; [m. 20] tutti
Film annotations: [m. 9] Kids playing; [m. 18] She sits; [m. 20] Down / Dialogue
Orchestration annotations: [m. 9] strg / celli and ?? / very little brass voiced if any; [m. 14] trpt? / vibra / horns; [m. 19] harps gliss, piano, xylophone; [m. 20] sfz timp
Analysis: The three-note gesture in measures 17-18 is very similar to the Mildred Motto, suggesting perhaps a mother-daughter relationship between Mildred's theme and that of her children

11th chord | added-note chord | child | establish character | football | mickey-mousing | playing | street | upbeat
