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Illegal (1955) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: Illegal > Gesture: Ellen raises gun > Instance: 1:07:42

Gesture name: Ellen raises gun
Start time: 1:07:42
End time: 1:07:50
Total duration: 0:00:08
Page #: 86
Measure #: 14
Scene: Reel 8 Part 4
Meter: 4/4
On-screen: Ellen raises gun to defend herself
Description: Slow, chromatically ascending gesture in low brass as she slowly raises the gun
Music annotations: [m. 15] sf; [m. 16] trem & flutter / tr; [m. 17] tr; [m. 18] tr
Film annotations: [m. 16] Pistol; [m. 19] 3 Shots
Orchestration annotations: [m. 14] W.W., strs / trbs; [m. 15] trpts (mutes) / hns / stgs; [m. 16] W.W., stgs / timp + nova / W.W., trbs / strs; [m. 18] gong

gun | heroine | mickey-mousing | tense