Max Steiner Cue Sheets

Home > Cue Sheets > "Baby"

Composed by Steiner | Arranged by Steiner


159 results for "Baby" — see also child

Film TitleReel#ThemeLengthMedleyComposerPartialType
77 Sunset Strip: Girl on the Run [TV Series Pilot] (1958)324Don’t Cry Baby0m40s Stella Unger - Saul Bernien/kBI
77 Sunset Strip: Girl on the Run [TV Series Pilot] (1958)761I'm in a Jam With Baby0m42s Ted Koehler - M.K. Jerome - Ray Heindorfn/kBI
77 Sunset Strip: Girl on the Run [TV Series Pilot] [Second Cue Sheet] (1958)324Don’t Cry Baby0m40s Stella Unger - Saul Bernien/kBI
77 Sunset Strip: Girl on the Run [TV Series Pilot] [Second Cue Sheet] (1958)761I'm in a Jam With Baby0m42s Ted Koehler - M.K. Jerome - Ray Heindorfn/kBI
Affectionately Yours (1941)936tRock-a-Bye Baby0m35s Medley 20 n/kPartialBI
April Showers (1948)412cPretty Baby1m28s Medley 8 Egbert van Alstyne - Gus KahnPartialVV
April Showers (1948)517bBe My Baby Bumble Bee1m46s Medley 10 Henry J. Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialBI
April Showers (1948)621Hello Ma Baby0m36s Joseph E. Howard - Ida EmersonPartialBI
April Showers [Trailer] (1948)n/k1ePretty Baby0m07s Medley 1 Egbert van Alstyne - Gus KahnPartialVV
April Showers [Version 2] (1948)412cPretty Baby1m28s Medley 8 Egbert van Alstyne - Gus KahnPartialVV
April Showers [Version 2] (1948)517bBe My Baby Bumble Bee1m46s Medley 10 Henry J. Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialBI
April Showers [Version 2] (1948)621Hello Ma Baby0m36s Joseph E. Howard - Ida EmersonPartialBI
Bachelor Mother [Trailer Cue Sheet] (1939)1Rock-a-Bye Baby0m50s (medley) UnknownPartialBI
Bachelor Mother [Trailer Cue Sheet] (1939)6Rock-a-Bye Baby UnknownPartialVI
Battle Cry (1955)411cDon’t Cry Baby0m49s Medley 4 Stella Unger - Saul Bernie - Jimmy JohnsonPartialBI
Battle Cry (1955)821aI'm in a Jam With Baby1m24s Medley 10 Ted Koehler - Ray Heindorf - M.K. JeromePartialBI
Beyond the Forest (1949)615I'm in a Jam With Baby1m00s M.K. Jerome - Ray Heindorf - Ted KoehlerPartialVI
Big Sleep, The (1946)823aI'm in a Jam With Baby1m41s Medley 14 M.K. Jerome - Ray Heindorf - Ted KoehlerEntireBI
By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953)3 & 48Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee0m24s Henry Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialVV
By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953)3 & 49Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee0m54s Henry Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialVV
By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953)3 & 410Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee0m35s Henry Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialVV
By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953)3 & 411aBe My Little Baby Bumble Bee0m34s Medley 4 Henry Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialBI
By the Light of the Silvery Moon [Corrected Cue Sheet] (1953)3 & 48Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee0m24s Henry Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialVV
By the Light of the Silvery Moon [Corrected Cue Sheet] (1953)3 & 49Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee0m54s Henry Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialVV
By the Light of the Silvery Moon [Corrected Cue Sheet] (1953)3 & 410Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee0m35s Henry Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialVV
By the Light of the Silvery Moon [Corrected Cue Sheet] (1953)3 & 411aBe My Little Baby Bumble Bee0m34s Medley 4 Henry Marshall - Stanley MurphyPartialBI
Casablanca (1942)36Baby Face0m57s Benny Davis - Harry AkstPartialVI
Casablanca (1942)724cYou Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby0m32s Medley 8 Harry Warren - Johnny MercerPartialBI
Code of the Secret Service (1939)13You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby0m05s Harry Warren - Johnny MercerPartialVV
Dixiana [Domestic] (1930)4Cayetano's Prologue ("I Am Your Baby Now")n/k Tierney, HarryEntiren/k
F.B.I. Story, The (1959)1 & 213Baby Face Nelson0m35s Max Steinern/kBI
F.B.I. Story, The (1959)5 & 652Pretty Baby0m55s Egbert van Alstyne - Gus Kahn - Tony Jacksonn/kBI
F.B.I. Story, The (1959)9 & 1078Baby Face Exits0m32s Max Steinern/kBI
F.B.I. Story, The [Second Cue Sheet] (1959)1 & 213Baby Face Nelson0m35s Max Steinern/kBI
F.B.I. Story, The [Second Cue Sheet] (1959)5 & 652Pretty Baby0m55s Egbert van Alstyne - Gus Kahn - Tony Jacksonn/kBI
F.B.I. Story, The [Second Cue Sheet] (1959)9 & 1078Baby Face Exits0m32s Max Steinern/kBI
Fighter Squadron (1948)3 & 410I'm in a Jam With Baby0m56s Heindorf - Koehler - JeromePartialBI
First Lady (1937)523My Baby is Gone2m43s Thomas Waller - Spencer WilliamsEntireVI
Flamingo Road (1949)512iYou Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby1m17s Medley 7 Harry Warren - Johnny MercerPartialVV
Force of Arms (1951)410aBaby Face0m54s Medley 7 Benny Davis - Harry AkstPartialBI
Force of Arms [Second Cue Sheet] (1951)410aBaby Face0m54s Medley 7 Benny Davis - Harry AkstPartialBI
Four Daughters (1938)14eRock-a-Bye Baby0m09s Medley 3 n/k
[Max Steiner arr.]
Four Mothers (1941)26Old Nursery Rhyme (Sung by Baby)0m03s n/kPartialVV
Four Mothers (1941)27Old Nursery Rhyme (Sung by Baby)0m15s n/kEntireVV
Great Lie, The (1941)931jRock-a-Bye Baby0m07s Medley 18 n/kPartialBI
House of Women (1962)321Baby's Gone, The0m28s Howard Jacksonn/kBI
House of Women (1962)323Baby's Gone, The0m53s Howard Jacksonn/kBI
I Was a Communist For the F.B.I. (1951)1 & 22I'm in a Jam With Baby1m39s Ted Koehler - Ray Heindorf - M.K. JeromeEntireBI
I Was a Communist For the F.B.I. (1951)5 & 65(I'm Gonna Wait) A Little Bit Longer (For That Never-on-Time Baby of Mine)2m10s Chummy MacGregorEntireBI
Ice Palace (1960)547Pretty Baby0m22s Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialBI
Ice Palace [Second Cue Sheet] (1960)547Pretty Baby0m22s Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van Alstynen/kBI
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)317gPretty Baby0m15s Medley 3 Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialVI
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)418Pretty Baby0m40s Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialVI
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)419aPretty Baby1m16s Medley 4 Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialVV
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)421Pretty Baby1m13s Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialBI
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)525aPretty Baby1m44s Medley 5 Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstyneEntireV-Whistle
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)526bPretty Baby0m25s Medley 6 Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialBV
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)528aPretty Baby0m35s Medley 7 Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialBI
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)629aYes Sir That's My Baby0m17s Medley 8 Gus Kahn - Walter DonaldsonPartialVV
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)732H'Lo Baby1m12s Herb Magidson - Micharl Cleary - Ned WashingtonPartialVI
Johnny Belinda (1948)724cBaby1m37s Medley 13 Max SteinerPartialBI
Johnny Belinda (1948)1030aBaby2m01s Medley 19 Max SteinerEntireBI
Johnny Belinda (1948)1132bBaby1m00s Medley 21 Max SteinerPartialBI
Kentucky Kernels (1934)II6Rockabye, Baby UnknownPartialn/k
Lucky Me (1954)717aBaby Face0m54s Medley 8 Benny Davis - Harry AkstPartialBI
Made For Each Other (1939)III13End Dinner Sequence & Dr. Office (Rockabye Baby paraphrase)0m27s E. Canning
[E.B. Powell arr.]
Made For Each Other (1939)VII30Baby in Park0m28s Medley 7 Hugo W. FriedhoferEntireBI
Made For Each Other (1939)IX48Death Watch (Baby in Oxygen Tent)0m30s Medley 9 Franz WaxmanPartialBI
Made For Each Other (1939)IX49Baby in Oxygen Tent0m17s Medley 9 Hugo W. FriedhoferEntireBI
Majority of One, A (1961)11 & 1252Rock-a-Bye Baby0m04s TraditionalPartialVV
Mara Maru [Incomplete] (1952)1 & 23Baby Face2m39s Benny Davis - Harry AkstEntireBI
Mildred Pierce (1945)12You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby1m56s Harry Warren - Johnny MercerPartialVV
Mildred Pierce (1945)926bYou Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby0m47s Medley 17 Harry Warren - Johnny MercerPartialVI
Mummy's Boys (1936)I3Sleep baby Sleep0m20s Handley, J. (Arr. Roy Webb)PartialVV
Mummy's Boys (1936)I4Sleep baby Sleep0m15s Handley, J. (Arr. Roy Webb)PartialVV
Mummy's Boys (1936)II5Sleep baby Sleep0m02s Handley, J. (Arr. Roy Webb)PartialVV
Mummy's Boys (1936)VI17Sleep baby Sleep Handley, J. (Arr. Roy Webb)PartialBI
My Dream is Yours (1949)516bYou Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby0m30s Medley 7 Harry Warren - Johnny MercerPartialVV
Night & Day (1946)928dRock-a-Bye Baby0m03s Medley 14 n/k
[Max Steiner arr.]
Night & Day (1946)928lRock-a-Bye Baby0m03s Medley 14 n/k
[Max Steiner arr.]
Of Human Bondage (1934)621aBaby1m25s Medley 5 Korngold, Erich WolfgangEntireBI
Oklahoma Kid, The (1939)419Rock-a-Bye Baby0m04s n/kPartialVV
Oklahoma Kid, The (1939)420Rock-a-Bye Baby0m14s n/kEntireVV
Oklahoma Kid, The (1939)421Rock-a-Bye Baby0m14s n/kEntireVV
Old Man Rhythm (1935)III7Comes the Revolution Baby2m Gensler, LewisPartialBI
Old Man Rhythm (1935)VI9Comes the Revolution Baby3m 35s Medley Gensler, Lewis - Mercer, JEntireVV
Old Man Rhythm (1935)VI10Comes the Revolution Baby Gensler, Lewis - Mercer, JEntireVV
Old Man Rhythm (1935)VI11Comes the Revolution Baby Gensler, Lewis (Arr Webb, R)PartialVI
Old Man Rhythm (1935)VI12Comes the Revolution Baby0.42s Gensler, Lewis (Arr Webb, R)PartialVI
On Moonlight Bay (1951)36ePretty Baby0m32s Medley 4 Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialBI
One Man's Journey (1933)5Rock-a-bye Baby Unknown (arr Max Steiner)Partial
One More Tomorrow (1946)37cRock-a-Bye Baby0m07s Medley 5 n/k
[Max Steiner arr.]
One More Tomorrow (1946)614cRock-a-Bye Baby0m16s Medley 11 n/k
[Max Steiner arr.]
Operation Pacific (1951)24dBaby, The0m14s Medley 3 Max SteinerPartialBI
Operation Pacific (1951)24fBaby, The0m15s Medley 3 Max SteinerPartialBI
Operation Pacific (1951)38bBaby, The0m37s Medley 4 Max SteinerPartialBI
Operation Pacific (1951)926aBaby, The0m23s Medley 14 Max SteinerPartialBI
Plot Thickens, The (1936)I-IA2Pretty Baby1m44s Kahn, G - E.Van AlstyneEntireIV
Rhapsody in Blue (1945)210cPretty Baby0m08s Medley 5 Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialVV
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)1 & 21cMy Melancholy Baby0m25s Medley 1 George Norton - Ernie BurnettPartialBI
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)3 & 417My Melancholy Baby0m14s George Norton - Ernie BurnettPartialVV
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)5 & 618bMy Melancholy Baby0m32s Medley 6 George Norton - Ernie BurnettPartialBI
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)5 & 620My Melancholy Baby1m21s George Norton - Ernie BurnettPartialVV
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)5 & 624My Melancholy Baby1m37s George Norton - Ernie BurnettPartialBI
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)7 & 832My Melancholy Baby1m55s George Norton - Ernie BurnettEntireVV
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)9 & 1039My Melancholy Baby0m23s George Norton - Ernie BurnettPartialBI
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)1143bMy Melancholy Baby0m47s Medley 14 George Norton - Ernie BurnettPartialVI
Roaring Twenties, The (1939)1145My Melancholy Baby0m51s George Norton - Ernie BurnettPartialBI
Roughly Speaking (1945)513aRock-a-Bye Baby0m50s Medley 6 n/kPartialVV
Roughly Speaking (1945)514aRock-a-Bye Baby0m41s Medley 7 n/kPartialVV
Roughly Speaking (1945)924gRock-a-Bye Baby0m04s Medley 13 n/kPartialBI
Roughly Speaking [Revised Reels] (1945)910gRock-a-Bye Baby0m09s Medley 6 n/kPartialBI
Sea Wolf, The (1941)11cHello Ma Baby0m46s Medley 1 Joe E. Howard - Ida EmersonPartialVV
Since You Went Away (1944)1188Shoo-Shoo Baby0m27s Medley 10 Phil MoorePartialVV
Sisters, The (1938)5 & 613cNew Baby, The0m21s Medley 7 Max SteinerPartialBI
Smashing the Money Ring (1939)1 & 27bYou Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby0m10s Medley 3 Harry Warren - Johnny MercerPartialVV
Star is Born, A (1937)IV22Sleep, Baby, Sleeps0m09s John Handley
[Max Steiner arr.]
Star is Born, A (1937)IX38Bye, Bye, Baby0m50s Medley 9 Walter Hirsch - Lou HandmanPartialVI
Storm Warning (1951)47Don’t Cry Baby2m12s Stella Unger - Saul Bernie - Jimmy JohnsonEntireBI
Susan Slade (1961)859Baby, The1m33s Max Steinern/kBI
Susan Slade (1961)1069Baby, The0m50s Max Steinern/kBI
Susan Slade (1961)1282Baby, The0m25s Max Steinern/kBI
Sweepings (1933)n/k8Rockabye, Babyn/k Medley 2 n/k
[Max Steiner arr.]
That Certain Woman (1937)26My Baby Says It's So1m10s Dubin - WarrenPartialOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)411dBaby's Lullaby3m10s Medley 5 Max SteinerEntireOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)512Baby's Lullaby0m52s Medley 6 Max SteinerEntireOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)513dBaby's Lullaby3m17s Medley 7 Max SteinerEntireOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)616eBaby's Lullaby2m06s Medley 10 Max SteinerPartialOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)718Baby's Lullaby2m05s Medley 12 Max SteinerEntireOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)718bBaby's Lullaby (Paraphrase)2m05s Medley 12 Max SteinerPartialOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)922hBaby's Lullaby (Paraphrase)4m18s Medley 14 Max SteinerPartialOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)1025Baby's Lullaby (Paraphrase)1m51s Medley 16 Max SteinerEntireOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)1026Baby's Lullaby3m00s Medley 17 Max SteinerEntireOrchestra
That Certain Woman (1937)1026aBaby's Lullaby (Paraphrase)3m00s Medley 17 Max SteinerPartialOrchestra
Torchy Plays With Dynamite (1939)1 & 21bFly Away Baby0m58s Medley 1 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Plays With Dynamite (1939)1 & 22aFly Away Baby0m14s Medley 2 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Plays With Dynamite (1939)1 & 23aFly Away Baby2m14s Medley 3 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Plays With Dynamite (1939)1 & 26cFly Away Baby0m07s Medley 4 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Plays With Dynamite (1939)3 & 411cFly Away Baby0m29s Medley 7 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Plays With Dynamite (1939)3 & 412bFly Away Baby0m24s Medley 8 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Plays With Dynamite (1939)5 & 617bFly Away Baby0m33s Medley 12 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Plays With Dynamite (1939)5 & 618aFly Away Baby0m39s Medley 13 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)1 & 21bFly Away Baby0m18s Medley 1 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)1 & 22aFly Away Baby0m41s Medley 2 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)1 & 24bFly Away Baby0m08s Medley 3 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)1 & 25Fly Away Baby0m44s Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)1 & 26aFly Away Baby0m47s Medley 4 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)3 & 47bFly Away Baby0m10s Medley 5 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)5 & 610aFly Away Baby0m10s Medley 6 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)5 & 611Rock-a-Bye Baby0m18s n/kPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)5 & 612bFly Away Baby0m18s Medley 7 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)5 & 614bFly Away Baby (Paraphrase)4m09s Medley 9 Howard JacksonEntireBI
Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939)5 & 615bFly Away Baby0m10s Medley 10 Howard JacksonPartialBI
Two on a Guillotine (1965)14aYou Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby0m25s Medley 1 Johnny Mercer - Harry Warrenn/kBI
Woman Rebels, A [Revised Cue Sheet] (1936)V-3A40Baby, The2m45s Medley 11 Roy WebbEntireBI
Woman Rebels, A [Revised Cue Sheet] (1936)VI-3B41Baby, The5m50s Medley 12 Roy WebbPartialBI
Woman Rebels, A [Revised Cue Sheet] (1936)VII-4A55Baby, The2m30s Medley 14 Roy WebbEntireBI
Young Man With a Horn aka Young Man of Music (1950)29bPretty Baby0m13s Medley 8 Gus Kahn - Tony Jackson - Egbert van AlstynePartialVI
Young Man With a Horn aka Young Man of Music (1950)416Baby Face0m07s Benny Davis - Harry AkstPartialVI