The FBI Story (1959) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

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Film Music Structure for The FBI Story

Number Scene Type Time Theme Variant Gesture On-screen
1 0:00:00 Symbol Plane Warner Brothers shield, outside of airport, and inside of airport
2 0:01:08 Conveyor Belt Man asks his mother to buy insurance for her flight
3 0:02:06 Embrace Mother and son hug before she leaves on the plane
4 0:02:20 Waving Goodbye Son waves goodbye to his mother on the plane
5 0:02:31 Time Bomb 1 Plane takes off and flies through the air
6 0:02:58 Takeoff Planes takes off
7 0:03:41 Disaster Plane explodes and falls from the sky; man rushes inside his home to call authorities
8 0:04:09 The Bureau Agents working in a large FBI office
9 0:04:25 Symbol The FBI crest and the title of the film
10 0:04:33 FBI March A Film title, main cast
11 0:04:51 FBI March B Cast list
12 0:05:08 FBI March A Noble Cast list
13 0:05:25 FBI March A Wreckage Agents work through airplane wreckage in a warehouse
14 0:05:38 Wreckage Agents work through airplane wreckage in a warehouse
15 0:05:51 The Bureau Investigating Investigators doing research and interviewing various people
16 0:06:58 Investigation Picture of Jack Graham
17 0:07:23 The Bureau Tritone Agents in an office
18 0:07:41 The Bureau Augmented Agents searching through files
19 0:08:10 Investigation Lab FBI chemists work with plane parts
20 0:09:11 Underscoring (Mysterious) Agents question Jack's friend
21 0:10:41 Underscoring (Tense) Agent's search Jack's home
22 0:11:33 Time Bomb 1 Convicted Agents arrest Jack
23 0:11:52 The Bureau Narration Agents in the mail room, the lab, and the firearms section
24 0:12:31 FBI March A Maestoso Views of a hallway in an FBI building
25 0:13:40 The Bureau Patriotic Chip gestures towards a photograph
26 flashback 0:13:51 Yankee Doodle Chip walks into the original FBI building
27 0:17:57 Lucy A Chip and Lucy kiss
28 0:18:31 Lucy B Chip proposes to Lucy
29 0:19:07 Lucy A Meno Chip proposes to Lucy
30 0:19:25 Lucy A Refusal Lucy refuses Chip's proposal
31 0:20:57 Lucy A Chip says he would give up anything to marry Lucy
32 0:21:33 Liebesträume Chip and Lucy get married
33 0:22:25 Wedding March Chip and Lucy leave the chapel, now married
34 0:23:21 Lucy A Allegretto Chip and Lucy leave on their honeymoon
35 0:23:27 Lucy A Rain Chip and Lucy drive through the rain on their honeymoon
36 0:23:41 Underscoring (Comical) Chip and Lucy get stuck in a mud puddle
37 0:23:50 Door slam Chip closes the car door
38 0:23:51 The Love Nest Tent in the rain and mud
39 0:24:05 Flicks water Chip shakes water off of his hands
40 0:24:07 Lucy A Rainstorm Chip and Lucy in the rain
41 0:24:18 FBI March A Train Chip and Lucy on a train
42 0:26:41 FBI March A Ethereal Sam leaves the conversation and Chip rethinks his decision
43 0:28:56 FBI March A Ethereal Chip walks down the street
44 0:31:18 The Love Nest Music Box Chip learns that Lucy is pregnant
45 0:32:05 Lucy A Romantic Lucy tells Chip he can stay in the FBI
46 0:32:31 Lucy A Waltz Lucy and Chip feeling happy together
47 0:32:49 Underscoring (Dark) Chip recounts how he was sent down south to speak with the Ku Klux Klan
48 0:33:15 Kol Nidre Klan breaks into a Jewish home and knocks over a table with a menorah and a meal on it
49 0:33:28 Klansmen Klan marches down the street carrying torches and burning crosses
50 0:34:58 Klansmen Agitato Newspaper headline attacking the Klan
51 0:35:13 Attack Klansmen attack the newspaper office
52 0:35:56 Underscoring (Tense) Klansmen threaten the newspaper man
53 0:36:11 The Truck The truck arrives
54 0:36:16 Climb Into Truck Klansmen throw newspaper editor in the truck then climb in
55 Klansmen Subtle
56 flashback 0:36:48 Symbol Bold Agents reveal that they are FBI men
57 0:36:58 Coming Thru the Rye Chip's son plays in a field of rye
58 0:37:12 Lucy A Walking Lucy walks down the street with her children
59 0:38:09 Ten Little Indians Indian business men and the comical things they do with their new wealth
60 0:38:26 Underscoring (Indians) Indian business men and the comical things they do with their new wealth, then man gets shot in a field
61 0:39:13 Bye Bye Blackbird Chip walks down the street of the western town
62 0:41:28 Underscoring (Tense) Men prepare to blow up an Indian house
63 0:44:53 Symbol Misterioso Chip asks who is the next of kin
64 0:48:13 Underscoring (Indians) Indian was killed
65 0:49:14 Lucy A Tender Chip and Lucy talk at home
66 0:49:50 Underscoring (Tense) Chip walks to mail evidence to the FBI
67 0:50:24 The Bureau Agitato FBI men investigate a crime
68 0:51:13 Street Music Chip walks down the street in Ute City
69 0:51:13 Pretty Baby Chip walks down the street in Ute City
70 0:51:22 I'm Just Wild About Harry Chip walks down the street in Ute City
71 0:52:08 Cheyenne Chip walks down the street in Ute City
72 0:52:07 I May Be Wrong (But I Think You're Wonderful) Chip walks down the street in Ute City
73 0:54:29 Please Don’t Talk About Me When I'm Gone Chip walks down the street in Ute City
74 0:56:18 FBI March A Fanfare Chip walks out the door
75 0:56:24 Little Brown Jug Chip walks down the street in Ute City
76 0:56:40 Agitato Chip rushes to be with Lucy after she lost her baby
77 0:56:55 Lucy A Introduction Chip comforts Lucy
78 0:57:45 Lucy A Innocent Chip comforts Lucy
79 0:58:16 Lucy B Bright Chip comforts Lucy
80 0:59:00 Lucy A Peaceful Chip comforts Lucy
81 1:00:30 FBI March A Sostenuto Lucy scolds Chip for wanting to quit the FBI
82 1:01:18 The Bureau Walking Chip and Sam walk into the bureau
83 1:01:31 The Bureau Arrest FBI arrest a mobster who then is shot
84 1:02:21 Underscoring (Dramatic) Montage of mobster mischief
85 1:02:50 FBI March A Printing Press Printing press in action
86 1:03:00 Jingle Bells Chip works on the Christmas tree
87 1:07:29 Lucy A Dark Lucy says that she thinks FBI agents carrying guns is a bad thing
88 1:08:42 The Bureau Ascending Sam and Chip drive to find some hoodlums
89 1:12:36 FBI March A Doloroso Sam dies in Chip's arms
90 1:14:32 FBI March A Honorable Sam's graveside funeral
91 1:15:06 Taps Chip talks to Sam's sister about helping take care of Sam's son
92 1:15:40 The Bureau Diminished FBI agents meet in an office
93 1:17:17 Underscoring (Tense) FBI agents waiting for Dillinger to get out of the movie theatre
94 1:18:41 Symbol The Signal Chip lights his cigar with a match as he watches Dillinger leave
95 1:18:53 Dillinger's death Dillinger falls dead to the ground
96 1:19:08 Waiting Lucy waits for a phone call
97 1:19:38 Lucy A Exhausted Lucy gets a phone call saying Chip is okay
98 1:19:50 Driving Two cars following one another down a dusty road
99 1:19:59 Car swerving Car brakes and swerves
100 1:20:04 Symbol Shootout Gunfight breaks out between FBI agents and mobsters
101 1:20:10 Agents die FBI agents are shot
102 1:20:14 Baby Face Dies Baby Face Nelson is shot and dies
103 1:20:22 The Bureau Brisk Shot of a house and a car
104 1:20:31 Underscoring (Dark) Pretty Boy Floyd takes hostages to a car
105 1:20:38 Symbol Hiding The FBI arrive
106 1:20:41 Floyd runs 1 Pretty Boy Floyd runs to take cover before shooting
107 1:20:57 Floyd runs 2 Floyd runs from the FBI men
108 1:21:03 Floyd dies Floyd falls to the ground and dies
109 1:21:55 Yankee Doodle Chip puts on a music-playing beanie hat
110 1:22:44 Yankee Doodle Chip spins a music-playing beanie hat
111 1:24:06 FBI March A Triste Lucy says that she is going to leave Chip
112 1:24:37 Lucy A Departing Lucy walks out of the room leaving Chip alone
113 1:24:46 Chip tosses hat Chip tosses the beanie hat onto the window sill
114 1:24:48 Yankee Doodle Close up of the propeller hat as the seasons change outside the window
115 1:25:22 Lucy A Family Lucy talks with her mother while hiding Easter eggs
116 1:26:06 Egg Hunt Kids hunt for Easter eggs
117 1:27:41 Egg Hunt Lento Lucy cries and comforts her daughter
118 1:27:53 Lucy A Con Moto Lucy and the kids drive to meet with Chip
119 1:29:21 Lucy A Peaceful Lucy reads a love letter from Chip
120 1:30:10 Underscoring (Subtle) Chip tells Lucy that they're moving to Washington DC
121 1:30:40 Lucy sits Lucy defiantly puts her feet up on the couch
122 1:30:44 FBI March A Marcia Agents working at FBI headquarters
123 1:31:19 FBI March B FBI agents working in a lab
124 1:31:36 FBI March A A la Marcia FBI agents working in a lab
125 1:32:13 The Bureau Working Chip working at FBI headquarters
126 1:32:26 Underscoring (Dramatic) Shootout at Ma Barker's place
127 1:32:41 Ma Barker Dies Ma Barker is shot and dies
128 1:32:49 Underscoring (Dramatic) Mobster Alvin Karpis announces that he is going to kill J. Edgar Hoover
129 1:33:05 The Bureau Shadow J. Edgar Hoover apprehends Alvin Karpis before his attempted murder
130 1:33:19 Underscoring (Dramatic) Agents arrest Machine Gun Kelly
131 1:37:41 I'll String Along With You Chip comforts his daughter in the car
132 1:39:36 Symbol Dramatic Bombing of Pearl Harbor announced on radio
133 1:39:43 FBI March A Preparation FBI headquarters
134 1:39:54 Japanese Japanese man being escorted off of a boat
135 1:40:00 Watch on the Rhine FBI men talking to Germans
136 1:40:04 The Bureau Underscoring Agents working
137 1:44:51 Too Marvelous For Words Music playing at a backyard barbecue
138 1:46:14 The Marines' Hymn Music playing at a backyard barbecue
139 1:48:14 Honey-Babe Jenny goes off to nursing school
140 1:48:23 FBI March A Romantic George and Ann exit a taxi together
141 1:48:38 The Marines' Hymn Mike leaves on a train for the war
142 1:48:57 The Bureau Sostenuto Scene of an FBI office
143 1:49:08 Watch on the Rhine Misterioso Chip puts pins on a map of South America
144 1:49:23 Underscoring (Mysterious) Gun boat and submarine on the ocean at night
145 1:49:34 Policia Police arrest FBI agent in South America
146 1:49:46 FBI March A Chip on a plane in South America
147 1:50:03 Watch on the Rhine Dissonant Chip gets in a taxi in South America
148 1:50:24 Symbol Agent Chip meets an FBI agent in a taxi
149 1:54:05 Birds flying Birds fly out of tree
150 1:54:15 Mario climbs uphill 1 Mario climbs uphill
151 1:54:21 Message George listens to morse code ont he radio
152 1:54:39 Mario climbs uphill 2 Mario climbs uphill
153 1:54:45 Federales South American federal police arrive
154 1:55:02 Message George listens to morse code on the radio
155 1:55:33 Warning Mario warns of the incoming agents
156 1:55:56 Federales South American federal police arrive
157 1:56:04 Message George listens to morse code on the radio
158 1:56:11 The Bureau Action Chip and George rush to destroy their equipment
159 1:56:36 Burning lantern Equipment burns
160 1:56:43 Escape Chip, Mario, and George quickly pack up and rush out
161 1:56:51 Donkey Mario frees the donkeys
162 1:56:53 Escape Descending The men run away from camp
163 1:57:00 Time Bomb 2 Men wait for bomb to explode
164 1:57:13 Running downhill Men run downhill
165 1:57:17 Federales Menacing South American federal police look for the men
166 1:57:24 Running uphill Men run up the hill
167 1:57:29 Federales Galloping South American federal police gallop to chase after the men
168 1:57:40 Underscoring (Dramatic) Men keep running
169 1:57:49 The Bureau Running Men rush across the bridge
170 1:58:03 Escape Descending Mario turns around on the bridge and goes back
171 1:58:17 Mario Climbs Mario climbs uphill
172 1:58:36 Federales Pursuit South American federal police gallop to chase after the men
173 1:58:38 Mario Climbs Hastening Mario climbs uphill
174 1:58:44 Mario Climbs Descending Mario climbs downhill
175 1:59:10 Time Bomb 3 Mario sets two time bombs then climbs uphill out of the way
176 1:59:37 Federales Varied South American federal police gallop to the bridge to chase the men
177 1:59:37 Mario hides Although not on screen, the music here tells us that Mario is still hiding on the top of the hill
178 1:59:50 Mario climbs downhill Mario climbs downhill
179 2:00:10 Underscoring (Tense) Men react to collapse of bridge
180 2:00:16 Mario Mario rises above the hill and is shot
181 2:00:33 Mario Death Mario's body falls into the river
182 2:01:12 Jeepers Creepers Man plays Jeeper Creepers on the piano at George's anniversary party
183 2:01:41 Oh You Beautiful Doll People at the party sing Oh You Beautiful Doll at the party
184 2:03:13 Telegram Chip and Lucy learn that their son died in the war in Iwo Jima
185 2:04:28 Egg Hunt Solemn Chip and Lucy talk about their son
186 2:05:26 Prayer Chip and Lucy talk about prayer
187 2:06:03 Lucy A Tragico Chip and Lucy mourn together
188 2:06:21 The Marines' Hymn Religioso Chip and Lucy look at Michael's military picture
189 2:07:16 Symphony No.5 War surplus store
190 2:07:28 Gaudeamus Igitur View of a college campus
191 2:07:31 Workers Men leave a factory
192 2:07:34 Church View of a church
193 2:07:43 Communists Overhead view of a truck going to the cleaners
194 2:08:47 The Bureau Misterioso FBI agents working on the scene
195 2:09:07 Raises microfilm FBI agent looks at microfilm
196 2:09:11 Microfilm FBI agents look at the codes on the microfilm
197 2:09:30 The Bureau Questioning Agents interview an old lady
198 2:09:51 The Bureau Field Reports Agents working at FBI headquarters
199 2:10:14 Communists Mysterious Chip looking at papers at his desk
200 2:10:25 The Bureau Surveillance Communist works down a dark alley
201 2:10:45 The Fountain in the Park Communist strolls through the park one day
202 2:11:10 Communists Meeting Communists meet in the park
203 2:11:25 The Bureau Warrants FBI agents work in an office
204 Symbol Capital Punishment
205 flashback 2:12:40 Surveillance 1 FBI agents follow communist
206 2:13:13 Surveillance 2 FBI agents follow communist
207 2:13:36 Communists Surveillance 2 FBI agents follow communist
208 2:13:52 Symbol Following FBI agents follow communist
209 2:21:23 Surveillance 1 Tense FBI agents follow communist
210 2:21:51 The Chase FBI agents chase after communist
211 2:22:10 The Bureau Pursuit FBI agents get in a car and follow the man
212 2:22:19 Speeding Car chase continues
213 2:22:26 Symbol Pursuit Car chase continues
214 2:22:39 The Bureau Following Car chase continues
215 2:23:23 The Bureau Flower Truck Car chase continues
216 2:23:43 The Chase Ends Cars slow down and park
217 2:23:59 Symbol Quiet Agents watch communist from afar
218 2:24:05 The Bureau Moderato FBI agents pursue man on foot
219 2:24:26 Santa Lucia Communist enters a restaurant
220 2:24:44 Underscoring (Tense) Chip listens to a radio report
221 2:24:54 Surveillance 1 Misterioso Second man approaches restaurant
222 2:25:07 Santa Lucia Two communists meet in the restaurant
223 2:25:31 Underscoring (Tense) FBI agents communicate by radio
224 2:25:48 Santa Lucia FBI agents enter restaurant
225 2:26:22 Underscoring (Dark) FBI agents arrest communists
226 2:27:29 Lucy A Waltz Chip meets his family and they go for a drive
227 flashback 2:27:55 Yankee Doodle Chip's family drives around
228 2:28:15 The Marines' Hymn Con Moto Chip's family drives around Washington DC
229 2:28:22 FBI March A Pomposo The FBI crest
230 2:28:40 Symbol Ending The End