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The FBI Story (1959) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: The FBI Story > Theme: Symphony No.5 > Instance: 2:07:16

Theme name: Symphony No.5
Start time: 2:07:16
End time: 2:07:28
Total duration: 0:00:12
Page #: 242
Measure #: 1
Scene: Reel 15 Part 2
Meter: 4/4
On-screen: War surplus store
Description: The opening motif from Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is played to represent "V for Victory" (dot-dot-dot-dash is the Morse code for V, which stands for victory); this was used as a victory motto for World War 2; which is what the narrator is talking about at this moment (the end of the war); onscreen we see an army surplus store; Steiner states the four-note motive normally (echoed in a descending sequence), then repeats the whole opening phrase a step higher (quite unexpectedly), then continues to vary Beethoven's emblematic gesture (almost mockingly)
Music annotations: [m. 1] Misterioso/ Modto;

classical music | flashback | victory