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The FBI Story (1959) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: The FBI Story > Gesture: Mario hides > Instance: 1:59:37

Gesture name: Mario hides
Start time: 1:59:37
Page #: 228
Measure #: 84
Scene: Reel 14 Part 3
Meter: 4/4
On-screen: Although not on screen, the music here tells us that Mario is still hiding on the top of the hill
Description: Sustained high string tremolo continues above the Federales theme, representing Mario's position hiding up on top of the adjacent hill; the stasis representing hiding; the tremolo represents fear; the high pitch represents the great height of his position
Film annotations: [m. 84] Mario;

flashback | hiding | mickey-mousing