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Death of a Scoundrel (1956) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: Death of a Scoundrel > Theme: Death 1 > Instance: 0:04:55

Theme name: Death 1
Start time: 0:04:55
End time: 0:05:23
Total duration: 0:00:28
Page #: 11
Measure #: 1
Scene: Reel 1 Part 2
Meter: 4/4
Marking: Slowly
On-screen: Clementi's body is removed from the room
Description: Death theme restated as the body is removed, dark but not as dramatic, in unison low strings and winds
Music annotations: [m. 1] mf / molto cresc; [m. 2] mf; [m. 3] (let it ring); [m. 4] pp; [m. 5] meno;l [m. 6] p / triste
Film annotations: [m. 3] Inside; [m. 5] Mother; [m. 6] Sits
Orchestration annotations: [m. 1] hrns, piano / timp; [m. 3] hp; [m. 5] gong; [m. 6] cello solo

dark | death