Max Steiner Cue Sheets

Home > Cue Sheets > "Felix Powell"

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17 results for "Felix Powell"

Film TitleReel#ThemeLengthMedleyComposerPartialType
Ann Vickers (1933)7Pack Up Your Troublesn/k Felix PowellPartialBV & BI
Dawn Patrol, The (1938)3 & 48Pack Up Your Troubles0m24s Felix Powell - George AzafPartialBV
Dawn Patrol, The (1938)7 & 819Pack Up Your Troubles0m05s Felix Powell - George AzafPartialBV
Dawn Patrol, The (1938)1121Pack Up Your Troubles0m08s Felix Powell - George AzafPartialVV
Force of Arms (1951)1127ePack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag0m50s Medley 16 George Asaf - Felix PowellPartialBI
Force of Arms [Second Cue Sheet] (1951)1127ePack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag0m50s Medley 16 George Asaf - Felix PowellPartialBI
I'll See You in My Dreams (1952)526aPack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag0m15s Medley 6 George Asaf - Felix PowellPartialBI
Lost Patrol, The (1934)23Pack Up Your Troublesn/k Felix PowellPartialVI
Lost Patrol, The (1934)24Pack Up Your Troublesn/k Felix PowellPartialVI
Lost Patrol, The (1934)54Pack Up Your Troublesn/k Felix PowellPartialBI
Lost Patrol, The (1934)56Pack Up Your Troublesn/k Felix PowellPartialBI
Lost Patrol, The (1934)100Pack Up Your Troubles (paraphrased)n/k (medley) Felix PowellPartialn/k
Lost Patrol, The (1934)163Pack Up Your Troubles Felix PowellPartialn/k
On Moonlight Bay (1951)925cPack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag1m30s Medley 13 George Asaf - Felix PowellEntireVV
On Moonlight Bay [Trailer] (1951)11fPack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag0m05s Medley 1 George Asaf - Felix PowellPartialVV
So This is Love aka The Grace Moore Story (1953)38bPack Up Your Troubles1m10s Medley 6 George Asaf - Felix PowellPartialVV
Tomorrow is Forever (1946)14Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit-Bag1m02s Medley 1 Felix Powell - George AsafPartialBI