The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | The Amazing Doctor (Murder) | 1:10:49 - Montage of newspaper headlines | chromatic parallelism | corpse | dark | dissonant bass | fingerprints | headlines | investigating | montage | morgue | mortician | murder | newspaper | police | printing press | tense | triadic transformation |
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | Jo (End Cast) | 1:26:42 - Cast list | 13th chord | added-note chord | beaker | bubbling | chromatic mediant | closing credits | end title | triadic transformation |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Marcia Maestoso) | 0:08:58 - Eddie dreams | applauding | common-chord modulation | double exposure | dreaming | dream sequence | fragmentation | leading man | meter change | montage | reciting | thematic transformation | transcribed by ear | triumphant |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Con Espressione) | NIF - not in film | cut from film | diminished 7th chord | enharmonic modulation | fragmentation | thematic transformation |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Newspaper Montage 2) | NIF - not in film | cut from film | dissonant bass | fragmentation | sequence | thematic transformation |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Risoluto) | 0:48:55 - Newspaper headlines | double exposure | fragmentation | headline | montage | mysterious | newspaper | sequential modulation | spinning | tense | thematic transformation |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Risoluto 2) | 0:53:55 - Newspaper headlines | advance plot | arresting | dark | detective | double exposure | fragmentation | friend | headline | leading man | love interest | murderer | newspaper | ominous | room | sequential modulation | spinning | thematic transformation | underscoring |
Caged (1950) | Crying (Poco Agitato) | 0:44:27 - Mrs. Benton paces | baby | childbirth | conversing | crying | doctor | infirmary | leading lady | mickey-mousing | operation scene | oscillation | pacing | prison | prisoner | tense | triadic transformation | uneasy | walking | warden |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Fragmented) + Titus 2 (Fragmented) | 1:29:47 - Lane confronts Titus | arguing | climax | club | combination of themes | dark | fragmentation | inversion | leading lady | motivic transformation | mysterious | ominous | retrograde | self-borrowing | sheriff |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | FBI | 0:02:10 - FBI building | agent | chromatic mediant | conversing | establish setting | noble | office | oscillation | secretary | tense | triadic transformation | typing | working |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | FBI (Extended) | 0:02:33 - Pittsburgh FBI office sign | agent | chromatic mediant | conversing | establish setting | noble | office | oscillation | tense | triadic transformation | typing | working |
In This Our Life (1942) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:49:21 - Asa tells them Peter committed suicide | conversing | dark | father | leading lady | leading man | room | stinger | suicide | triadic transformation | turning point | uncle | underscoring |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:37:44 - David and Leni talk | conversing | harmonic sequence | hero | heroine | love scene | prison | somber | triadic transformation | underscoring |
Penguin Pool Murder (1932) | Penguin Pool Murder | 0:00:23 - Main title, starring list, and cast list | cast list | chromatic parallelism | diminution | diving | double exposure | dramatic | hemiola | linear chromaticism | mysterious | opening title sequence | penguin | pool | starring list | swimming | tense | thematic transformation | through-composed | title of film | transcribed by ear | whirlpool | whole-tone | whole-tone chord |
Dangerous Corner (1934) | The Trysting Place | 1:04:35 - Charles talks to Ann in the moonlight | alternate timeline | balcony | conversing | friend | mode mixture | popular music | proposal | proposing | radio | resolution | romantic | sequence | source music | triadic transformation |