5 results for "goofing around" in 1 films — see also playing
Film | Theme name | Instance | Tags |
Hold ‘Em Jail (1932) | Jingle Bells | 0:07:51 - Spider sings | advance plot | bothering | business man | comic | comical | goofing around | on-screen music | room | salesman | singing | source music |
A Moment in the Dark | 0:14:05 - Curley turns on the radio | AABA structure | advance plot | comic | goofing around | office | prisoner | radio | source music | upbeat | |
Ain't That the Way it Goes | 0:14:53 - Spider and Curley look around | AABA structure | advance plot | comic | conversing | goofing around | love interest | office | prisoner | radio | source music | upbeat | |
I'm Just a Vagabond Lover | 0:17:00 - Curley talks to Barbara | ABAC structure | advance plot | comic | conversing | goofing around | love interest | office | prisoner | radio | sentimental | source music | |
I'm Wrapped Up in You | 0:18:18 - Spider dances with Violet | advance plot | comic | conversing | dancing | goofing around | love interest | office | prisoner | radio | source music | upbeat |