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4 results for "bird" in 3 films — see also call | doll

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
The Breaking Point (1950)Transition0:00:07 - Birds flyingbird | boat | calm | chromatic scale | conductor score | harbor | opening title sequence | sequential modulation | starring list | tense
The FBI Story (1959)Birds flying1:54:05 - Birds fly out of treebirds | flashback | flying | mickey-mousing | tree
We Are Not Alone (1939)BirdsNIF - not in filmaugmentation | birds | chromatic mediant | cut from film | inversion | layering | pastoral | pentatonic

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Birds (Extended)NIF - not in filmaugmentation | birds | chromatic mediant | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | inversion | pastoral | pentatonic