Max Steiner Cue Sheets

Home > Cue Sheets > "plantation"

Composed by Steiner | Arranged by Steiner


9 results for "plantation" — see also ranch

Film TitleReel#ThemeLengthMedleyComposerPartialType
Across the Pacific (1942)926cOld Plantation1m55s Medley 17 Heinz RoemheldPartialBI
Across the Pacific (1942)1027Old Plantation0m15s Heinz RoemheldPartialBI
Band of Angels (1957)970Plantation on Fire2m01s Max Steinern/kBI
Bright Leaf (1951)11cPlantation0m33s Medley 1 Victor YoungPartialBI
Bright Leaf (1951)11ePlantation0m31s Medley 1 Victor YoungPartialBI
Bright Leaf (1951)11gPlantation0m59s Medley 1 Victor YoungPartialBI
Bright Leaf (1951)924gPlantation0m30s Medley 8 Victor YoungPartialBI
Bright Leaf (1951)924iPlantation0m22s Medley 8 Victor YoungPartialBI
Letter, The (1940)11cPlantation0m13s Medley 1 Max SteinerEntireBI