Tags for Thirteen Women (1932)

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Home > Film: Thirteen Women

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Mood/EmotionActionCharacterThing (Physical)Thing (Conceptual)SettingsMusicFilmScene/EventAnalytical
dark 9
mysterious 9
somber 6
exotic 6
tense 5
upbeat 4
dramatic 4
romantic 3
hypnotic 3
violent 3
tragic 2
funereal 1
seductive 1
agitated 1
gentle 1
calm 1
conversing 11
predicting 4
traveling 3
reading 3
dying 3
kissing 2
sleeping 2
beeping 1
rushing 1
sorting 1
performing 1
swinging 1
preparing 1
falling 1
embracing 1
hypnotizing 1
tearing 1
destroying 1
forging 1
signing 1
stabbing 1
murdering 1
screaming 1
crying 1
committing suicide 1
playing 1
entering 1
arguing 1
jumping 1
leading lady 19
antagonist 15
swami 9
fortune teller 9
performer 5
murderer 5
love interest 5
victim 4
cousin 2
husband 1
friend 1
horoscope 5
book 3
train 3
trapeze 3
headline 3
newspaper 3
train whistle 2
letter 2
gun 2
radio tower 1
knife 1
gunshot 1
piano 1
fate 3
murder 3
suicide 2
psychology 1
fear 1
fortune 1
destiny 1
room 21
circus 5
train 4
transcribed by ear 30
exoticism 6
source music 5
stinger 4
circus music 3
waltz 3
funeral march 2
mickey-mousing 2
establish place 1
underscoring 1
march-like 1
combination of themes 1
on-screen music 1
self-borrowing 1
title of film 2
double exposure 2
RKO tower 1
cast list 1
The End 1
establish character 11
advance plot 10
murder scene 5
opening title sequence 4
death scene 3
transition 1
climax 1
half-diminished 7th chord 5
Gypsy major scale 5
pedal tone 4
ostinato 4
secondary dominant 3
harmonic sequence 2
common-chord modulation 2
relative key 2
chromatic mediant 2
ABA structure 2
parallelism 2
chromatic parallelism 2
chromaticism 2
64 chord 2
chromatic scale 2
suspension 1
AB structure 1
Aeolian mode 1
quintal chord 1
diminished 7th chord 1
whole-tone 1
whole-tone chord 1
appoggiatura 1
accented dissonance 1
augmented sixth chord 1
pc set 1
sentence form 1
common-tone diminished 7th 1
9th chord 1
Neapolitan 1
mode mixture 1

Total tags: 416
Total cues: 35
Unique tags: 136

(By Category)Mood/EmotionActionCharacterThing (Physical)Thing (Conceptual)SettingsMusicFilmScene/EventAnalytical
Total tags: 59 50 75 30 12 30 61 7 35 57
Unique tags: 16 29 11 13 7 3 14 5 7 31